Recent Content by Crocker

  1. Crocker

    Sick Cat, Vet Is Stumped?

    They said her levels were only slightly elevated. She did not appear to be in pain. Just very lazy. Certainly not her high energy self. Prior to last week, no she was not having any diarrhea. They are now leaning towards exploratory surgery. They think she might have injested something that got...
  2. Crocker

    Sick Cat, Vet Is Stumped?

    Thank you!
  3. Crocker

    Sick Cat, Vet Is Stumped?

  4. Crocker

    Sick Cat, Vet Is Stumped?

    Unfortunately I don’t have the lab results and X-rays. I honestly didn’t even know I could have those! She is still there at the vet. They left out 5 different foods for her over night. They said she ate a little bit however there was diarrhea and vomit in the cage. They are giving her iv fluids...
  5. Crocker

    Sick Cat, Vet Is Stumped?

    Well I had actually taken her to a different vet Saturday as ours was closed. They chalked it up to the food, Purina, and made me feel like a bad cat mom for feeding her dry food. They checked her for parasites which she didn’t have and sent us home with anti nausea and anti diarrhea meds which...
  6. Crocker

    Sick Cat, Vet Is Stumped?

    Hello there, I’m new. I’m hoping someone can give me some insight about my cat. She has been at the vet for 3 days and I still have no answers. Vomiting, diarrhea, using the bathroom outside the litter box, not eating, sleeping all day. She’s a 7 month old Siamese mix. They have done X-rays and...