
I am a 43 year old, widowed momma, of 7 beautiful adult children 5 boys and 2 girlz. I have one gorgeous grandbaby named Kairi Alice, and one more that will be here in july and i cannot wait! I am a widow now and have been for the last almost 14 years, i got engaged again a few years after and he just passed away from kidney failure about 5 months ago as well. I am now forever single. I throw myself into my kids and grandkids and my animals, it keeps my heart filled and my mind busy. I am a full time
College student, just got my addiction recovery certification last semester, and I’m currently working on my associates degree and hopefully moving onto get my degree in addiction counseling! I have raised my children now and also taken care of my grandparents for the last 18 years. My grandad passed and my
Grandmother has lewy body dementia, she was just placed into full time care. Now i have so much time and such horrible empty nest syndrome its time to find out who I am and what I wanna do with my older years! Lol
Oct 7, 1980 (Age: 43)
Interests (Hobbies, favorite activities, etc.)
Dogs, cats, reptiles, reborn doll collector, animal rescue work, pitbull momma, stray cats
Pizza delivery driver, in college working on my associates degree