Recent Content by convert94

  1. convert94

    Temptations Addiction???

    We had to slowly wean her off them completely, she wouldn't eat anything else and virtually begged for them so we decided there must be something addictive in them and that would not be good, now she eats Blackwood kibble and treats are foil packets of FF Broths and/or Delectables
  2. convert94

    Comment by 'convert94' in article '7 Reasons Why You Really Should Groom Your Cat Regularly'

    We groom ours everyday.  She automatically goes outside in the same spot and lies down and waits for it. We use mostly one of those rigid toothed flea combs as she is an indoor/outdoor cat and those combs usually get a couple fleas every day.  She really loves it and it definitely is a daily...
  3. convert94


    I bought her some expensive healthy non grain small pebble about as big as a bee-bee but she  can or won't chew them but swallows them whole and last night she left a pile of them with an undigested huge piece of weed grass.  When I feed her Friskies Seafood Sensations (god forbid) she is...