Recent Content by cml2015

  1. cml2015

    Sexual aggression in fixed cats?

    Hi Paperclip, I know exactly what you are going through with your kits .Had the same problem with my two, brother and sister. The sexual aggression thing got me to the Vets to make sure he was neutered properly, LOL. No problem there but would constantly go after her and she would just lay...
  2. cml2015

    Meowing Mystery

    Hi fionasmom, I did reply to you, but as a post for Jem and Fionasmom. Hi Jem, You know you might be right. I know the change came after her Recent Vet visits. Although I feel terrible that she was in pain for 4 years, just thought she let her brother have me and she took my husband. Now...
  3. cml2015

    Meowing Mystery

    My Husband?? He takes the easy way out. Watches Stock market and CoCo just came into visit him . Stayed away from me . Guess her brother claimed me and she went to my husband. I had been doing everything for them and she went to Him for 4 years, until her Vet procedures. He is NOT the handy type...
  4. cml2015

    Meowing Mystery

    Thank you so much Jem and Fionasmom for answering so quickly. Cats are a wonder. I have had my sister and brother for 4 years. In July my little girl had a cyst on her rectum . She had anal glands expressed and X-ray . A week later she had her biopsy, ultrasound, and blood test. With Covid I...
  5. cml2015

    Meowing Mystery

    Hello, I have a brother and sister from a cat rescue, 4 years old, The male is always with me. CoCo the little sister was only close to my husband, perhaps because her brother owned me. Now after having a number of tests and procedures in July, she ignores husband and now wants me. The...
  6. cml2015

    Cat Straining to Defecate and Urinate, Please Help.

    Please take her to emergency vet ASAP. Sounds like their is a major blockage in the intestines , stomach, .... Please let us know how she makes outThis is serious!
  7. cml2015

    Metronidazole - Side Effects?

    Hi girl, Just wanted to see how your ktty handled he Metronidazole! Please give us an update! Thanks, CML
  8. cml2015

    Show me your eyes

    Meezy is my one and only Love!!!1
  9. cml2015

    Metronidazole - Side Effects?

    Hi --Newbie here! Not new to forums just" CatSite".. I just asked about this drug on another forum because my kit was prescribed Metro 50mg 2x day.  She had exploratory surgery 2 weeks ago and her results from biopsies were Helicobacter Infection. Which is like an ulcer in a human. She has not...