Recent Content by chronicallytoast

  1. chronicallytoast

    App for food personalized blacklist/whitelist?

    I was never aware that the phrase blacklist/whitelist had certain racial connotations, I tried checking the NAACP site but couldn't find anything, but found a great explanation for the connotations associated with the origin of the phrase here. Depending on the culture and context, colors have...
  2. chronicallytoast

    App for food personalized blacklist/whitelist?

    Just in the past month I've possibly bought over 25 different cans of wet food, raw food, and treats for my cat when he stopped eating out of nowhere. He has since started eating again because he no longer has the separation anxiety that caused his little hunger strike. I have almost a dozen...
  3. chronicallytoast

    Non Pedigree Owners

    From what I understand about cat breeds, they are very different from dog breeds, especially dog breeding culture. I've also noticed that people often (unintentionally) apply dog characteristics and standards to their cats. People are so used to dog "breeds" that they are always guessing what...