Recent Content by cheryll028

  1. C

    Playing or Fighting

    Definitely playing! My 8-old male former "only cat" wrestles frequently with my new 4-month-old female kitty. And yes, the kitty almost always initiates it. While wrestling,they both make sounds like they're angry. If I think they're getting a little too feisty, I just look at the older cat...
  2. C

    Help! One prior cat + new mama & kitten - FIGHTING!

    Thanks for the advice. It didn't even occur to me that re-separating them might help. I will start immediatley. I really hope this works, as I feel really guilty that all three cats are suffering. If anyone else has other suggestions, please send them to me. Thanks!
  3. C

    Hell hath no fury...

    Try your local Animal Control organization.
  4. C

    Help! One prior cat + new mama & kitten - FIGHTING!

    Can someone please give me advice? I'm at my wits end... I have an 8-yr old male cat; he's been an "only cat" for 8 years. I adopted a rescued mama cat (2 hrs) and her female kitten (12 wks) about 6 weeks ago. All are neutered/spayed. Male cat was just curious at first; he's never been...