Recent Content by cazx01

  1. cazx01

    "Old" Members

    Hey sue haha 128513
  2. cazx01

    "Old" Members

    Seen this mentioned on facebook, thought I'd pop in and say hi too!! Wow it's been a long time lol
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    Forum Attachments

  7. cazx01

    Goodbye to my 2 babies

    Thanks guys, Basically the vets said that it will already be in his system becuase he would of been exposed to it, being round Kizzy, its a case of hoping he is ammune to it, i cant face losing Bayley too , i just have to keep an eye on his the vet said
  8. cazx01

    Goodbye to my 2 babies

    Just had Kizzys blood results back, she died from FIP, im terrified for Bayley now
  9. cazx01

    Goodbye to my 2 babies

    Thank you Susan
  10. cazx01

    Goodbye to my 2 babies

    Fisrtly want to say goodbye to my beautiful boy Joey ~ who passed away on 23 Sept 2008 He died of liver failure and i still havent stopped crying over him, i dont think ill ever get over losing him at sure a young age (He was only 2) Seconly Kizzy, who passed away last night, beautiful little...
  11. cazx01

    Everything going wrong (Long)

    Well last night i had to make the hard decision to put her down, i would neverhave dont this but she had gone downhill while i was at work and knew i needed to get her straight to the vets, it looked like somone had shaved from under her chin right down, her fur had fallen out, couldnt lift her...
  12. cazx01

    Everything going wrong (Long)

    Thank you all for your messages, i called the vet today, the good news is that he tested negative to FIP, and he does not have leukemia, they want to test for feline peritonitis, im not sure if this is the same as FIP though? I dont know much about it at this stage so im gonna do a bit of...
  13. cazx01

    Everything going wrong (Long)

    Hey Guys, I havent been on here for a while so hope you dont mind my rant, i just wasnt sure what else/who else to talk to. Things just seem to be going for bad to horrendous(Sp?) Lately. I had 3 cats, Bayley who is now 3, Joey who was 2, and i got a litte kitty in March from a rescue centre...
  14. cazx01

    Pictures Pictures!

    Heres a pic of me and my friend on a hen night last Sept im the one with the horns
  15. cazx01


    thanks guys ill post more pics as soon as i sort my pc out x