Recent Content by catsu

  1. catsu

    😳 I pulled this out of my cats belly! 👀

    I'm seeing on reddit people saying that they are "inverted nipples" and more likely to happen on overweight cats:
  2. catsu

    😳 I pulled this out of my cats belly! 👀

    My vet seemed to think one like this from my cat was a blackhead also. She said she pulls off all kinds of gross things off dogs. She said it was no parasite she or the other vet had ever seen.
  3. catsu

    Grain like tag coming out of cat's belly skin

    I found the exact same thing on my cat. It looked EXACTLY the same. I pulled it out with a tweezers and brought it to the vet (she said next time, call - because yesterday we took the cat in: both of our cats are suddenly overgrooming leaving bald patches, and one seems to be having an allergic...