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    Did my cat suffer during his euthanasia?

    @Krienze Thank you so much for your supportive words and thoughts. I really hope he knew at that moment, and hope he still does. I just miss him so much now
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    Did my cat suffer during his euthanasia?

    I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet boy. While it must have been horrible to watch, I'm sure he found comfort in being at home, in your arms. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. I didn't know it was possible to obtain those drugs from vets - but I'll keep that in mind if the time comes...
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    Did my cat suffer during his euthanasia?

    Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking story. It must've been excrutiating to watch this happen from a distance, to not be able to comfort his fear while it was happening. I can only imagine. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. I think blocking out these memories is the only way we can...
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    Did my cat suffer during his euthanasia?

    @di and bob Interesting point about the body doing involuntary things when it's dying.If he hadn't hissed right before, I would've thought it was involuntary. But like you said, maybe it was one last fight. He didn't want to go quietly. Which, come to think of it, sounds about right. He was...
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    Did my cat suffer during his euthanasia?

    Thank you so much @di and bob I can't even begin to express the relief and warmth that washed over me as I read your reply. Thank you for taking the time to explain the technical medical details. And your description into the process was very insightful. I feel so much better now that I...
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    Did my cat suffer during his euthanasia?

    Oh, sorry a bit of a misunderstanding. I meant a catheter in the front leg, to administer the injection. It wasn't attached to an IV just the plastic thing where they insert the needle. I think they use it in case the medicine drips which can cause burns. The sedation was just injected...
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    Did my cat suffer during his euthanasia?

    Oh God. So maybe this wasn't even done properly?! Oh sweet jesus.
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    Did my cat suffer during his euthanasia?

    My 17 year old cat had to be rushed to the vet for an emergency euthanasia last week. And it went terribly and I'm a bit traumatised by what happened. Everything was fine, the doctor came in to inject him with a sedative, and he was fine. But a minute later, they took him to the back to put in...
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    Cat Won't Eat or Drink After Convenia Injection

    Hi @Firejade1 My cat was given an injection of Convenia for a minor dental issue. Exactly 14 days later he started throwing up white foam and wouldn't eat or drink. He developed what I believe was kidney failure and died last Wednesday. I wonder if it's from the Convenia since I'm reading very...