Recent Content by buccawee

  1. B

    I am new!

    Hello Everyone! I am a new to the site and a brand new cat owner. His name is Reginald and he is 9 months old. He is a short haired black and white who looks like he is wearing a tuxedo, hence the butler name. I've had Reggie for 5 days now. I wish I could say things were going well. He seems...
  2. B

    I need help!

    He did, in fact, come from a rescue. And they never mentioned taking more than one cat. I did think about it, but with this being the my first pet, I didn't want to over due it. Of course, thinking about it now, I might have reconsidered. To the person who said they've been sleeping with their...
  3. B

    I need help!

    Thank you for all the help. I guess I'm just an impatient owner. I so desperately want him to love me as much as I already love him. He was checked out by a vet the day wen adopted him. He is as healthy as can be. I will look into the alarm clock. I am willing and able to try anything to...
  4. B

    I need help!

    I am a brand new cat owner. My adorbale little kitty was adopted last week. He had been living with all his little brother and sisters his enitre 9 months of life. He's been nervous, understandably, dashing from hiding place to hiding place. I realize it's a new adjustment. And I also realize it...