Recent Content by brd2trs

  1. B

    New dog introduced to my home and my cat is not adapting

    He has been an indoor/outdoor cat several years so I'm not concerned with him being outdoors. We live in the backcountry with few cars and he knows how to take care of himself out here. He's now 11 and gets along with other dogs...he just doesn't seem to like this one.
  2. B

    New dog introduced to my home and my cat is not adapting

    For medical reasons we needed to introduce a service dog into our home. He is a large German Shepherd (intimi6md6v ating to sone yet loved by mist.sight My cat, Maverick, who I adopted at age 5 and is now 11 is quite unhappy about the change, understandably. We followed all the advise I...
  3. B

    Kitten Peeing Blood!!!

    I've had two male cats in my life with the same issue. Both times it was diagnosed as crystallization of the urine. I put them both on urinary tract health food and the problem went away. It did take a round of antibiotics first. A lot of foods have a high phosphorus/ash content which causes...