Recent Content by BowserRocky

  1. BowserRocky

    5yo cat ate a needle and string

    That’s what I thought … although they didn’t say anything and just to give 2 a day until done 🤷🏼‍♀️. I’m going to go 18-20 hours between doses and then to 24 and then see how he does.
  2. BowserRocky

    5yo cat ate a needle and string

    I called the emergency vet we took him to and asked about decreasing the dose (or spreading the pills out) or weening him and they said that it was fine and we should have been told that. We weren’t 😡 so I will do that now. I’ll skip is evening dose and check him when I get up for work tomorrow
  3. BowserRocky

    5yo cat ate a needle and string

    Thank you! His surgery was on Tuesday morning at 4am. He had a number of follow up X-rays and all sent to an external radiologist. They came back as normal, apart from the needle and incision from surgery. No fluid and minor air (again from surgery) … here is the report… FindinGs Abdomen...
  4. BowserRocky

    5yo cat ate a needle and string

    We ended up at the emergency clinic after my Rocky bear ate a needle and 36” (folded in half) long piece of cross stitch floss. Literally turned my head for 1 minute. He had surgery and they weren’t able to get to the needle/thread but milked it to his colon. He stayed in hospital until...
  5. BowserRocky

    HELP! My baby is lethargic and has a fever 😥😥

    Another small update… he’s had a second dose of the meds this morning and I just checked on him and he was sleeping but perked right up. We played with his favourite supervision only toy, knitting needles on a cable (don’t ask) and he was having a great session of fetch. Also gobbled up some...
  6. BowserRocky

    HELP! My baby is lethargic and has a fever 😥😥

    Morning has come and he has rebounded! His energy isn’t at 100% but he’s up and moving and feels a lot cooler now than he did last night. He’s also had some dry food and treats with no hesitation 🙌🏻🙌🏻 I’ll be keeping an eye on his all day and see how he does with the medication and how his...
  7. BowserRocky

    HELP! My baby is lethargic and has a fever 😥😥

    Well, he just had a big pee and is now awake, albeit slow moving, and watching out the back door for any wild life. Not saying we are over the hump by any means but, a positive sign. He had a nice long nap on the top of his cat tree this evening and I’m hoping that’s helped. Now to get...
  8. BowserRocky

    HELP! My baby is lethargic and has a fever 😥😥

    He had had some treats when I got home from work (around 1:30) and his vet appt was at 4:45 so I had said that he hadn’t eaten much but usually doesn’t and that I hadn’t seen him drink or use the litter. So I was more grey about that. Since my first post, he’s stayed pretty much the same…...
  9. BowserRocky

    HELP! My baby is lethargic and has a fever 😥😥

    So, after a month of living with his new brother (who came with feline herpes) it seems as if my 3-year old boy is now not feeling well. He just seemed off the last day of two and I’m of the feeling that “owners know” when a baby just isn’t themselves. I took him to the vet today and he had a...
  10. BowserRocky

    My kitten won't stop nursing on blankets

    I’ve had multiple cats do this… especially to those super soft blankets!! I think it’s adorable and never considered stopping it!!
  11. BowserRocky

    URI symptoms but acts completely normal

    Just back from the vet and you guys were right, feline herpes syndrome. We got some antibiotic eye drops and an oral med so heres hoping that Milo is on the mend really soon. Not that he seems that “off” now anyways… but he will be cuter than ever with clear eyes!!
  12. BowserRocky

    URI symptoms but acts completely normal

    We adopted a 2 year old, neutered male, cat from a local shelter about 3 weeks ago and he’s a gem! Fits right in with our other animals, a purr machine, a champion eater (sometime a little too champion) and superior soccer skills!! Only issue is he seems to have symptoms of a URI. He is a...
  13. BowserRocky

    Cats sharing litterbox.

    If they are fine with using one litter box, perhaps you can go down to one as a trial and see how it goes. We’ve always been a one box family, unless introducing a new friend into the mix. I also suggest not filling it up too much, maybe only an inch or so, and just scoop daily. Saves money...
  14. BowserRocky

    Cat Intros Month 11

    Other than the hissing, is there any other reaction when they come close or are in the same room? I wonder if you need to just let them be “free” and get used to each other that way. It may not work but 13 months is a long time and I don’t think it would set you back too far to try.
  15. BowserRocky

    Normal play fighting or should I worry about injury?

    Thank you! That is what I hope to avoid! I’m sure it’s play but will do my best to monitor! Thankfully they both love sleeping so it’s really only the dusk and dawn crazy hour that they tend to get super active!!