Recent Content by boges55

  1. boges55

    Fip Misdiagnosis?

    I don't know if there is anything that is a clear indicator of FIP which is the problem in diagnosing FIP. I think everything is just correlations. The article you linked to states, "A value of 0.8 (or lower) for the serum albumin to globulin ratio strongly supports a diagnosis of FIP." A...
  2. boges55

    Fip Misdiagnosis?

    Thanks for the reply. With respect to the corona virus (FCoV), the PCR tested positive for it in the stomach fluid, but negative in the feces. They said to ignore the feces testing because it just means she was not shedding the virus in that particular stool. I am considering getting...
  3. boges55

    Fip Misdiagnosis?

    I adopted sweet Freya from a local shelter. She was born on 5/8/2018 making her almost 7 months old now. On 9/18, when she was 4 1/2 months old, she went in for her spay. The vet noticed fluid in the stomach and drained it. However, the fluid was not the sticky straw yellow associated with...