Recent Content by blissirritated

  1. B


    Your mum's dog was probably drinking/eating from a plastic bowl, the plastic can hold bacteria and the breakdown in the plastic can cause noses to go grey/white, mouth and hair problem around the mouth. Solved by using a metal or ceramic bowl. -- Does anyone know whether cats have this problem...
  2. B

    Cat urinating.. I need some major help!

    When I got a UTI and left it too long I started to get pain come up into my lower belly and then spread up one side... Apparently it was the infection making it's way up through my bladder and into a kidney. (This only took two days, and I was permanently hunched by the time I got into the...
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    Anyone heard of this?

    Thor is exactly the same. Loves a good 'beating' just above his botty there. Mind, Thor also *likes* to have his tail pulled. Actually enjoys it. My BF Dave throws him in the air and catches him, then puts him on the carpet. Thor loves it - tears back to Dave to be thrown again. Thor's a very...
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    Kitten 11 weeks old Sucking Eyelids

    I don't mean to laugh, but that just made my day.
  5. B

    Thor - indoor cat troubles.

    I'm posting this from work so I'll try to be short and sweet. My indoor cat (one year old, never outside) male cat, Thor, recently got out after my dog (Gypsy, 2yr old GSD) opened the back door. We didn't realise, he'd already run out, we shut the door and didn't think anything of it until we...