Recent Content by betsycam

  1. B

    Why isn't there a lysine eye drop for feline herpes?

    I've been getting lysine into my cat who has had a long term eye herpes flair-up (conjunctivitis) but the supplement just isn't getting it under control.  She is on a raw diet and has the most luxurious coat of any cat I know.  It seems that for eye infections, drops would be the best way to get...
  2. B

    Momma trying to kill baby cat!

    My friends adopted a mom/baby pair.  The mom is going blind, apparently, and the baby is now weaning.  Last night the baby got outside and there were raccoons outside making a ruckus...They got the baby back in and she was fine except she was covered in poo (maybe raccoon poo?).  The mom then...
  3. B

    Youngster sucking on brother's tail

    I have two brothers who I found at 10 days old, abandoned/orphaned.  We bottle fed them until 4 weeks when they seemed to wean themselves.  They would chew on the nipple rather than suck, so I transitioned them to raw.  All has been well until the last couple of days (they are now 10 weeks...
  4. B

    Rearing orphan kittens - guidance

    Thanks, P3 I don't interfere with them rough-housing with each other - just wondered what the correct response is for them going too wild-kitty on us!  I'm glad it isn't as difficult as with dogs!  DH and I were just discussing how we need to get appropriate scratching stuff before I read your...
  5. B

    Rearing orphan kittens - guidance

    I am raising to baby cats who were abandoned at 10 days old.  They are now just over 4 weeks old.  I know in dogs, the role of the mom in teaching appropriate behavior is very important, and I'm sure the same is true in cats, so I'm wondering what I need to be doing to substitute for a mom cat's...
  6. B

    Weird Problem - Cats tired of food quickly?

    It's kind of a good way to be sure that there is balance in the long run because though commercial foods are "complete and balanced,"  I think the balanced part is misleading since they are really just meeting AAFCO minimums.  Different brands and lines can vary a lot, being too high in some...
  7. B

    Feral orpans - herpes question

    I have been reading on the web trying to age these kittens I found and I see such disparity about when what happens!  When I found these two abandoned kittens, one's eyes were open and the second's eyes were half opened.  That was nine days ago.  They're little toes have developed to where they...
  8. B

    Feral orphans

    Thank you, catwoman707!  I feel reassured that all is going well.  
  9. B

    Feral orphans

    Thanks, everyone!  Great links! Betsy
  10. B

    Feral orphans

    I have been taking care of two feral kittens for the last five days, found them at about 10 days old.  One's eyes were open and the other's were half-way open.  I have questions about pooping.  Initially, the first poo one of the kittens did was like a rock, and I wonder if he wasn't a little...