Recent Content by bellagirl89

  1. bellagirl89

    Sick 9 month old kitten - help!

    I took her to VSEC and they also said it was FIP (as well as my vet). She continued to get worse that day. After having two opinions of the FIP diagnosis and seeing how severely anemic she became, we decided to put poor Penelope to sleep. VSEC was so kind and supportive. I highly recommend them...
  2. bellagirl89

    Sick 9 month old kitten - help!

    Hopefully better images of the blood work:
  3. bellagirl89

    Sick 9 month old kitten - help!

    Thanks all!  Today she woke up EXTREMELY lethargic... to the point where she could hardly walk and was falling all over the place.  I took her back to the vet and we went back over her blood work.... her red blood cell count is extremely low and the doctor said she is extremely anemic. He gave...
  4. Sick 9 month old kitten - help!

    Sick 9 month old kitten - help!

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  7. bellagirl89

    Sick 9 month old kitten - help!

    I have a 9 month old, female kitten that i adopted from a shelter when she was about 4 months old.  She started seeming sick about 3.5 weeks ago.  She had a 104.7 fever, lethargic, not eating, and was exposing her third eyelid. The next morning, I took her to the emergency vet where they told me...