Recent Content by babygirlsmom

  1. B

    Night Terrors

    Your poor fur baby has PTSD. I would suggest keeping up with gentle waking when he is having nightmares a that is the only thing that  slows it down.  If you startle him when he is having a nightmare, it will only make the reaction worse. I would also suggest you get some training pads and teach...
  2. B

    Crazy Cat

    That must be very rough on you, especially with you being pregnant on top of things.  This may sound really odd to you, but do you think the male may be reacting to your pregnancy hormones?  I know my female kitten is very aware if someone is hormonal in our home.  She is either very...
  3. B

    Does your indoor cat wear a collar?

    Our Babygirl always has her "necklace" on so that if she gets out of the house she doesn't get confused for the many feral cats that we have roaming around.