Recent Content by Ayes.

  1. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    Thank you everyone! She has been doing so well! Had the window blinds open, and windows cracked. She barely noticed. She got her first cat tree, and hopped on the bed for the first time this weekend! Thank you all for your advice it eased my mind so much!
  2. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    @pearl99 knowing that makes me so happy! Thank you
  3. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    @duncanmac that's my main reason for not letting her back out. I would be terrified with her just coming or going, worrying constantly. I'm worrying now and shes in the room with me the whole time Haha.
  4. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    @pearl99 thank you souch!! My girl is very much a sneaker more than a runner. Shes been looking to the door as of late, but not trying to get out. More curious where I'm going. I'm hoping it stays that way. I just want to be sure shes going to be happy.
  5. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    @duncanmac the stick with string is what got her to play yesterday. Im really hoping she is happier inside, as you cat is. Def makes me feel better knowing other people's cats have done fine after being strays. I really needed the reassurance that she would be happy
  6. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    @FeebysOwner yea, I'm going to wait till she a little more confident before I get electronic toys. She is very skittish and afraid. Toys in general didnt interest her until now. I dont think she understood what to do until I started batting around some balls, and mice toys
  7. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    She's a little bit shy of the toys right now, she doesnt quite get the concept, but she played yesterday for the first time and she was getting more interested. I'm really just trying to push through the healing process because its restricting her a lot. We played yesterday without her cone, but...
  8. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    Thank you @war&wisdom! Def makes me feel better knowing she wont be miserable. I think it's harder for me to watch her trying to transition, than for her to actually do it. Shes also recovering from her spay so shes progressing slowly.
  9. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    The articIes are very helpful, you're right! I have considered an inflatable collar, but I just wasnt sure if it would be any more comfortable because she won't be able to fully rest her head. My biggest issue is that she gives me a hard time to put it back on. I got one with velcro to make it...
  10. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    Yes, she has the cone because she was spayed. I take it off for her to eat, and so she can have a breather. But she goes straight for her incision. She still has about a week to go, as her surgery was only on Tuesday. I'm really happy to hear you think she will be ok. I just questioned my...
  11. Ayes.

    New Cat Parent Of Stray

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on a stray that I recently brought into my home. She is young, between 9 months to a year. My cousin was feeding her for the past six months, and she got friendly with them to the point she would sit on their front step, and try to enter their home. I was...