Recent Content by ayam

  1. ayam

    Helping a cat with a femoral fracture who refuses to wear a cast.

    Thank you for replies. Turns out it is a spiral fracture and needs support if it is to heal. Luckily the vet nurse tried a new approach today by strapping it up in a sling to his body. This is working out great as he'd already mastered hopping on three legs and doesn't seem phased by it at all...
  2. ayam

    Helping a cat with a femoral fracture who refuses to wear a cast.

    Hello there, sorry to make my first post a request for advice, but i'm pretty distressed about our cat who's fractured his thigh bone. The vet at first thought his ankle was sprained and had him rest for 5 days before xraying, discovering it was fractured. They attempted to cast it twice, but...