Recent Content by astropaws

  1. astropaws

    Why Does My Kitten Bite So Much?

    I have a female Tabico kitten named Mosi, born on May 12. She is almost 3 months old, yay! However, she really likes to bite and scratch. I used to not mind it, as I assume she is just playing, but lately it has become a concern to my boyfriend and I. She never growls when biting or...
  2. astropaws


    Yes, she is. c: One of her uglier faces when she sleeps. And here, when she has either just woken up or about to fall asleep.
  3. astropaws

    What Are Your Cats Doing Right Now?

    Judging by the sound of my kitten's collar, I know she is running around nearby doing something she's not supposed to. >.<
  4. astropaws

    Word Association Game

  5. astropaws


    I joined to just info grab on my downtime and possibly ask questions in the future. Oh, and to show off my (almost) 3 month old baby Mosi<3