Recent Content by asterix

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    Newbie here

    Hi Catwoman, Welcome. What is ""?
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    Happy 5th Anniversary to TCS!!

    Shows how much I know!!!
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    Happy 5th Anniversary to TCS!!

    I think for such a "young" web site there are loads of people in this forum - well done!
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    The Kittens

    so cute!!!
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    Newbie from UK

    Thanks for the comments about my painings - much appreciated
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    Something cute

    Perhaps she wanted to look pretty for your fiance - you had better watch out!!!
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    How many cats have you got?

    40!!!! Okay I think you win ................ unless of course someone disagrees...
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    What do you all think?

    Speaking as a full-time artist - I like it a lot.
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    Cat Nap

    looks like he's guarding something to me!!!
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    How many cats have you got?

    How many cats does everyone have? I wonder who has the most.
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    We Are Now a Lucky "7"...Couldn't Resist...

    It is so hard to resist isn't it. Are stopping at 7?
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    Newbie from UK

    Hi All, I am new to the forum so thought I should introduce myself. I live in the UK where I am self-employed as an artist paiting pet portraits. Currently I do not own a cat.
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    Jinx and Zeke!

    Very nice
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    TS/Hurricane Rita

    So pleased there was not the same loss of life as in Katrina.