Recent Content by Arielphf

  1. Arielphf

    Foundling kitten can't handle solid food without throwing it up

    Wow, what great advice! Nutrical - I was looking for some kind of supplement and couldn't find one, thanks for this! The food we are giving her now is from the vet and is called Science Diet AD - it's a recovery diet for cats. She seems to hold it down pretty well, so I am sticking to just...
  2. Arielphf

    Foundling kitten can't handle solid food without throwing it up

    Well, she eats everything she can get and in the past, even a little bite of stuff with texture has come back up 20 to 40 minutes or so later. We tried a bit of plain chicken once, no bigger than half a penny, and that came up very quickly and caused her visible distress. Yet, she absolutely...
  3. Arielphf

    Foundling kitten can't handle solid food without throwing it up

    Thanks, I'll take those suggestions. I hadn't heard of this either, but I am certainly gaining experience as I go along!
  4. Arielphf

    Foundling kitten can't handle solid food without throwing it up

    Oh, she will take anything. She has the tastebuds of a garbage hound and the stomach of the pickiest eater in the world, sadly. Getting her to 'take' foods is not a problem. Getting them to stay down is. It doesn't seem like it is a chemical reaction or allergy, because what she throws up in...
  5. Arielphf

    Foundling kitten can't handle solid food without throwing it up

    I sure hope so! Yes, all new foods are introduced slowly mixing in a little bit to see if they will be tolerated, then more as they prove palatable. So far, anything that is like a very fine pate is able to stay down; Science Diet AD is quite smooth in texture and she seems to like it - though...
  6. Arielphf

    Foundling kitten can't handle solid food without throwing it up

    Hello, I hope someone here can help me. In September, some friends of my daughter's in MD found a little black kitten in her backyard. She was very tiny and they waited and watched to see if the mother of the kitten would come back to pick her up. After several hours and no sign of the...