Recent Content by aprilly

  1. A

    cancer in older cat - surgery or no? advice pls

    Thank you, thank you, thank you again for all your great support. I'm so glad I decided to post about my dilemma, as it's really helped hearing everyone's thoughts. My options are pretty much either/or now - do the surgery and hope for the best, or let the cancer take its course and give her...
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    cancer in older cat - surgery or no? advice pls

    Thank you everybody for your thoughts, ideas, and compassion. I'm still undecided about the surgery, but I've been doing lots of research online and trying to weigh the odds. It's hard to figure out whether Samantha's quality of life will be best with or without it. For right now, she's fairly...
  3. A

    cancer in older cat - surgery or no? advice pls

    Thank you for all your kind replies. I really appreciate being able to talk it out with other like-minded people Talking to non-pet people, I feel like I have 3 eyes and a horn because I'm worrying so much about my sweet cat. I'm sure I will change my mind about a million times before I come to...
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    cancer in older cat - surgery or no? advice pls

    I definitely don't have unlimited financial resources (I'm a grad student, living at home, and making minimum wage) and the surgery would cost about $2000, and then there's post-care costs to factor in as well. And while that's definitely a consideration, I feel like if a vet were to tell me...
  5. A

    cancer in older cat - surgery or no? advice pls

    I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with an older cat coming down with cancer and having to decide if surgery was a good option or letting the cat die naturally was the better way? I have a 15 year old cat who was recently diagnosed with a mast cell tumor in her spleen. The vet...