Recent Content by AnnabelandOtto

  1. AnnabelandOtto

    11 week old kitten had soft stools since I got him 2 weeks ago! Probiotics?

    Hey! Thanks for your response! The vet de-wormed him and checked him over the other day and it doesn't seem to have made any difference so don't think it's a parasite! Yeah perhaps sticking to one wet food brand for a longer period of time is a better thing to do. I will try that for sure...
  2. AnnabelandOtto

    11 week old kitten had soft stools since I got him 2 weeks ago! Probiotics?

    We brought home our kitten when he was just over 9 weeks old and he has not had a single firm stool since. Initially we thought it was just the new environment and stress - but from day 2 he was extremely comfortable and seemed very at home and happy with us so we no longer think it's that. We...