Recent Content by Anguhluh

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    Cat Won't Look In Litter Box Anymore

    That seems like a great plan I will try it for sure! I'll start in the morning but I don't really have a room that doesn't have carpet for him to poop on. I've accepted that fact that I'll have to clean up his runny poops until I get this under control. You seem to really know your cat...
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    Cat Won't Look In Litter Box Anymore

    Thank you all so much this is already helping me understand a little better
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    Cat Won't Look In Litter Box Anymore

    I have not tried the neutralized sprays I will try that! I had already washed all blankets and sheets when the visiting cat left. I do have a vet appointment on Friday because he is starting to get diarrhea now! I don't know if it's related to the visit cat but now I'm cleaning up very messy...
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    Cat Won't Look In Litter Box Anymore

    Hello! I have a 5 year old neutered male cat. He was always a well behaved cat too. He never pooped outside of the box before and I was cat sitting for a friend for 8 weeks who was a spayed elderly cat. She did not like my cat and would hiss every time he walked by. She was becoming a problem...