Recent Content by Anca Nicolae

  1. Anca Nicolae

    Head jerking to one side

    Hi! I'm back with great news! Kity has completely healed and is a happy cat again. alibali thank you again for your help. Your information was very useful and saved Kity. Hope Cooper is fine! :redheartpump:
  2. Anca Nicolae

    Head jerking to one side

    Hi! I came back with news about my kitty. This Monday I went to another veterinarian and I told her about your kitten case and agreed to try vitamin B treatment. She also made her injections with antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory and something for the brain. Head jerkings have begun to be more...
  3. Anca Nicolae

    Head jerking to one side

    Armillaria Plus - 60 capsules - Mushrooms-4-Pets - Pets I'm thinking of administering it. What do you think?
  4. Anca Nicolae

    Head jerking to one side

    Thank you so much for your reply! I'm from Romania and on Romanian sites I have not found any information about my cat's problem. I started looking for foreign sites and so I went over this forum. My cat jerk when I stretch my hand to her or some object and when she smells then she reacts. Also...
  5. Anca Nicolae

    Head jerking to one side

    Do you see the video now?
  6. Anca Nicolae

    Head jerking to one side

    Hello! I have the same problem with my cat. The veterinarian has no idea what diagnostic to put. You gave me great hope with these posts. Please be nice, if you can tell me how many injections of vitamin B did you do? I give him a syrup containing B vitamins, but there are no improvements yet. I...