Recent Content by amber1212

  1. A


    Thanks so much for all your help yesterday. Merlin and I visited the vet and found out he has a very serious cold, which i never even knew cats got colds. He is on antibiotics and shots to keep his fever down ( it ws 105 by the time we visited Dr Cash) He is eating, and loving all over me, so...
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    i finally found a vet willing to take us this afternoon. so hopefully Merlin will get better. i dont know what is the matter, his gums are pink and healthy looking, his stool is solid, everytime he eats he coughs and gags, and this morning turned down his food entirely which is very un-Merlin...
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    please help, i think my cat may be dying. He is only 7 months old, is very lethargic, cant meow and is coughing like he has a hair ball stuck, his purring is now a rumbling and i dont know what to do for him, no er vet can take him today. he was eating up until this morning and now he is...