Recent Content by aligglitterglam

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    Will Getting A Cat Fixed Cause Him To Stop Spraying In The House?

    We were thinking of taking him to a lost cost clinic but heard some horror stories or reviews of what happened with their cat and the cat died after surgery, so we were debating. We can't really afford it at the regular clinic because it's usually $$$. But now it's gotten so bad I guess there...
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    Will Getting A Cat Fixed Cause Him To Stop Spraying In The House?

    He is 2 years old and it has been going on for a while but there were some parts of the house recently discovered that we didn't realize he kept going back to and it got so bad.
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    Is It Safe To Do Vaccinations At The Time Of Neutering?

    Usually when you want to do a neuter/spay they require the vaccinations or at least the rabies shot beforehand. I'm going to be doing it at a low cost clinic.
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    Will Getting A Cat Fixed Cause Him To Stop Spraying In The House?

    I have a young male siamese cat that hasn't been neutered yet but keeps spraying the house. He seems very territorial because we have three other cats. The house smells of urine and it's pretty awful causing a lot of damage to the walls and carpet. If we get him fixed will he stop the...
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    Is It Safe To Do Vaccinations At The Time Of Neutering?

    I was planning on taking my male cat to get neutered. He doesn't have shots yet and only a rabies shot is required at the time of surgery. Is it really safe to get the shot done at the same time as the surgery? My mom thinks it isn't safe but it says they can do it at the same time.