Recent Content by acetheshark

  1. acetheshark

    Adolescent Cat bullies senior cat

    Thanks all for the responses! At one time I did have boxes on our main level, much to my husband’s disapproval. After reading all the responses he has agreed to moving a couple upstairs and keeping one downstairs so not to confuse or upset them until they get used to the new location. Daisy...
  2. acetheshark

    Why is she pooping outside the box?

    My 11 year old also recently began pooping outside the box. Have you figured anything out yet?
  3. acetheshark

    How long do cats grieve?

    So sorry for your loss! We had to say goodbye to our 10 year old boy a year and a half ago and our 9 year old female grieved for him quite a while, very similar behaviors to what you’re describing but she also over groomed her belly completely bare. They were the best of friends. We adopted a...
  4. acetheshark

    Adolescent Cat bullies senior cat

    We have an 11 year old female (Boo) who is a calm senior girl and A high energy 1 1/2 year old female (Daisy) who we adopted as a kitten after our other cat passed. Daisy hears and investigates every sound and follows Boo everywhere. She wants to play all the time and Boo is more content...