Recent Content by 4wishes

  1. 4

    Best Urine Smell Removers or Cleaners

    I don't believe theres anything that will completly get rid of cat urine smell, all U can do is try 2 stop them from going in the same place in your house.  Try spraying Apple Cider Vinegar on it.   It worked 4 me.  It helps ease the smell. 
  2. 4

    How often do Cats poop in a days work.

    <IMG id=IncrediPictureImgSrc title="Click Me!" border=0 alt="Click Me!" src="C:/Users/4Wishes/AppData/Local/IM/Runtime/Message/{F66D2A1D-3A1C-4302-AE2B-099F1627041B}/Show\SENDER_EMAIL4wishes@q@@com1.png" width=50 height=50 PIC_GUID="{17500242-BB86-4BA9-8D78-17A232C2F752}"> My neighbor has...
  3. 4

    How many times do cats usually go poop a day?

    My neighbor has complained 2 the landlord, that my Cats R pooping on her lawn.  The landlord comes 2 me, telling me I need 2 get a litter box and keep my Cats inside!  I told the landlord, I let my Cats out only after they have pooped.  The landlord gos on 2 tell Me, that she has had Cats 4...
  4. 4

    How many times do cats usually go poop a day?

    Now that is totally Cool!  I'v been asking people who have Cat, that question a lot lately.    But no one really knows... they just assume it's several times a day... and others just don't care.  But I find it's a question every Pet owner should know!          I'v never had Cats b 4, until...