Recent Content by 4theloveofcats

  1. 4theloveofcats

    Want to move but would have to leave feral

    I was in this situation with a male feral who wasn't neutered until he was at least 7. Made him stay indoors, attached the best and biggest catio. It took him 6 months and then he got used to it. For several months he was was so butthurt, but eventually he became a happy kitty. He was the best...
  2. 4theloveofcats

    Fresh straw in winterized boxes BUT no takers. Any advice?

    Thought I'd update on winterized box sitch since most of the Northeast and Mid Atlantic are facing extreme cold/winds this weekend. One of the feral boys I wrote about still pops up every day. But he never took to the boxes. Mainly concentrate on giving him lots of fresh food and water. I am...
  3. 4theloveofcats

    Fresh straw in winterized boxes BUT no takers. Any advice?

    A friend was able to fake out the trash pandas by blocking the entrances at night for a week or so. Also made sure food was out for ferals only during the daylight. Plus they positioned solar spotlights to the sides of the shelters since raccoons dislike bright light.
  4. 4theloveofcats

    Fresh straw in winterized boxes BUT no takers. Any advice?

    sterlite with reflectix and/or mylar is go great. the colony here used to be a lot bigger and I would go all out with a set up for 12 ferals. thanks for reminding me about them. thanks. I've got about 24 oz of assorted catnip on hand. Definitely scattering some in the containers. The wind here...
  5. 4theloveofcats

    Fresh straw in winterized boxes BUT no takers. Any advice?

    I used to have those and the ferals loved them too. Then some really rude trash pandas partied in them and wrecked them. I decided to blow some money and just got petco to do a same delivery of this large outdoor heated mat. At least it was 58 dollars off.
  6. 4theloveofcats

    Sangria got her liver lobectomy. Pathology came back as biliary cancer. Need advice.

    I love doggos, but cats get only a tiny percentage of research money spent on done on them compared to canines. I went through something really horrifying with a beloved pet earlier this year and it was all because the research money was not being spent to study and offers possible cures. If I...
  7. 4theloveofcats

    Fresh straw in winterized boxes BUT no takers. Any advice?

    I bought some a few years ago, never used it. Couldn't hurt to try. :thumbsup:
  8. 4theloveofcats

    Fresh straw in winterized boxes BUT no takers. Any advice?

    Thanks, the containers are on the patio and under several heavy duty tarps. I'm thinking that perhaps they're too close to the feeding station and I should face them out (the boxes are facing a wall right now to keep any rain/ice from getting into them/
  9. 4theloveofcats

    Sangria got her liver lobectomy. Pathology came back as biliary cancer. Need advice.

    Yup, I'd stop and pull some links, but I'm running around trying to prep for ferals to stay warm during impending "historic" cold snap at the same time my own heat just broke down, but yes survival rates are quite decent for a cat in Sangria's situation. Massive is a good thing in this...
  10. 4theloveofcats

    Fresh straw in winterized boxes BUT no takers. Any advice?

    Have a couple younger TNRd boys outside. Usually the ferals take to the straw filled boxes easily. But these two keeps walking around soaking wet and darting under the porch instead of snuggling in the straw. My area of DC burbs is facing a sudden freeze up and then historically cold temps this...
  11. 4theloveofcats

    Sangria got her liver lobectomy. Pathology came back as biliary cancer. Need advice.

    Prognosis is not poor with successful surgery like your kitteh's ws. Postoperative survival times average at least 2-3 years. As your kitteh is already 12 that would end up being a decent life span. Were you on actual medical journal sites? Wagwalking/petmd are garbage IMHO.
  12. 4theloveofcats

    Covid Linked to Heart Problems in Pets

    Also, some troubling reports from pet parents outside of America who have cheaper/better access to testing. What appeared to be FIP or possibly Calcivirus in a few cats turned out to be sarscov2 upon necropsies. Sadly, it's cost prohibitive for most people in the US. Even routine testing for...
  13. 4theloveofcats

    COVID and cats?

    Covid 19 presenting as Wet FIP or VS-FCV in Cats. Warning to Pet Caretakers
  14. 4theloveofcats

    Live With Ex-boyfriend - Threatening Eviction - Need Maryland Resources

    Situation: Paying half of all utilities and the mortgage of exboyfriend I live with until I can move away January 1. This was the agreement as I am relocating cross country. I have contributed a lot over the years but now he is demanding I pay both his first and second mortgage by the 15th or he...
  15. 4theloveofcats

    Help! Cat Hating Creeps Next Door Have Sprayed Dangerous Chemical Advice Needed

    Have you tried lemon peel and lemon juice at entry points?