
Our beautiful family.

This album will contain photos of all our kids, past and present. It is only fitting that it begins with the beginning. Meet Gimpy and Snowball. They are the first two cats we rescued together.

Gimpy was a tiny cat, under 6 month when she showed up at our front door with a broken leg. She is the inspiration for all we do today. After years wonderful years, she succumbed to kidney disease, the single most painful event in our lives. Fortunately for us, she gave us so many years of sustained, unbreakable love. She will always be the princess of our home.

Snowball is the reluctant patriarch of our home. He is quiet, reserved and regal in everything he does. Being ferel, it was difficult converting him to indoor only, as he is an explorer with excellent skills beyond our walls. But the dangers of outdoor life is too great to allow the risk of returning to his outdoor ways.

Other kids will follow, lots of kids. We have 30 active kitties in our home, and probably more to come. The Philippines is not very good about population control, and cats are seen mostly as rodents with personality. We continue to find kittens of all types, and we have a very difficult time just walking away from them, they deserve better and we hope that we offer that better life in our home.

Anyway, I hope people get to know out kids, they are so perfect and they need to be shared with the world. Sincerely, the kittykeepers.
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