
Emma's First Litter!

I've never owned a female cat, and I was taken by surprise at the VERY young age they can become pregnant! Emma made it through her labor with ease - stretching her body out long, exhaling and then, delivering five precious kittens so quickly - two of which were twins! One has a kinked tail, like Mom's, and the other's tail is curled inwards, like a fiddlehead fern.

Hope to get better photos but they're in a cushy box, under a day bed, safe from view by a bedskirt and warm, with no drafts. Emma's food mat is in the bedroom with wet food and a water change two or three times a day, and dry food out always. Her kittens are getting so fat! They never cry out and she's with them almost constantly but yesterday, she did go outside for a bit.

All seems to be well. Mom's hungry and thirty, getting to her super clean litter box and the kittens are growing like ... baby kittens do! Their colors are going to be amazing, I can sort of tell already. It's an exciting time around here!
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