
Bitty-Boo (Boo) to his friends

Bit was a tuxedo though when we got him at seven weeks he wasn't much to look at. I named him Bita as bita this and bita that. He had a strange banded tail. but remained a tuxedo all his life. He never turned into a killer of small things for which we were thankful. He was my husbands cat and followed Raymond around like a dog would. Me I was allowed to take him to the Vet, feed him choice pieces of peeled prawns, grate his cheese and stay outside in freezing cold while he had his thirty minute drink at 2-30 in the middle of winter. Of course he had drinking bowls inside but the water outside with 'her' sitting shivering was so much nicer. He reached the great age 21 years and 7 months then went to his Rainbow Bridge. We miss him still..
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