Meet my handsome new man

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  • #43


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
I woke up, made his wet food breakfast, and put it in his room for him while I made coffee and stuff. When I came back to check on him 10-15 minutes later he hadn’t touched it and was hanging out in his crate (he had been on the scratcher near his food before so he definitely knew it was there). Once I came back in he left the crate right away and initiated cuddles. Little dude is now eating it happily as I type this, and has almost finished all of it. He just really wanted to cuddle first and have me close by while he ate 😭❤

We also had a good wand toy session last night (he still won’t chase it but he will happily swat at it) and he woke me up in the middle of the night again because he was playing by himself 🥹

ALSO, my resident kitties hang by his door a lot in the morning because they want breakfast and to spend time with me (he’s in my bedroom) and of course because they are interested in what’s in there, and as I was leaving the room MISS BITSY (black kitty) my senior girl jumped up onto the precautionary baby gate I have set up in the doorway!! Luckily I was already over it and on the other side with the door mostly shut so she couldn’t get in, but wow! I would completely expect those sorts of break in attempt shenanigans from Moose, but not her, so I need to be extra careful now lol (I already have one of my mom’s dog leashes rigged to the doorknob and bannister so they can’t push the door open when I’m not in there, and when I am in there the bedside table gets pushed over to stop them from pushing open the door looool)


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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
You will figure that out soon.His personality will tell you. Congratulations on your new family member.
Just what I was going to say!

I've only had one cat I struggled to name, but got there eventually. All the others have been fairly straightforward, and Daisy is the only one who kept her shelter name (I'd already fancied the name before I met her).


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
Just what I was going to say!

I've only had one cat I struggled to name, but got there eventually. All the others have been fairly straightforward, and Daisy is the only one who kept her shelter name (I'd already fancied the name before I met her).
Yep somehow you just know. I would have kept the name Daisy to if it fit her. Love that! ♥
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  • #51


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
We had another good play session last night and my mom came over briefly to meet him and he came out of his safe spot with very little coaxing and immediately put on the charm and cuddled her pretty vigorously lol. She was laying on my bed and he was giving her kisses and flopping around as if he’d known her for ages. She loves him and wants to steal him from me now LOL. So he does like people and is not nearly as shy as the shelter or I expected.

He had another little cough fit this morning though and did not touch neither wet or dry for breakfast, so I don’t think he’s feeling 100% today. I think he might be feeling a bit nauseous too because he is randomly swallowing once in awhile. He is finally eating some dry now though. Vet tomorrow luckily but I’m wondering if I should give him some of that hairball goo stuff (I have some here) or just leave him be. I’ll probably leave him be because it’s a bit of a laxative too and I don’t want him having an accident in the crate tomorrow, it is quite a long trip to the vet and back plus we need to make a quick stop while we’re over there, so he’ll be out and in his crate for I’d guess at least four hours, maybe even more as we literally have to cross the Pacific Ocean to get there and ferry traffic is unpredictable. The trip sucks for all of us but the local vet here who is not even 15 minutes away basically killed my Bentley back in January so I refuse to go back there. And even before that happened I didn’t think she was very good and mostly went there out of convenience (and paid the worst price possible for it), so yeah, not an option. Will be giving him gabapentin just incase as we’ll likely be getting his labs done as well and I of course want him to be as relaxed as possible and not traumatize him after all the progress we’ve made. He’s quite an easy going boy though so I think he’ll be okay, he was very relaxed on the way home from the SPCA and he does love hanging out in his crate.
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  • #54


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
Well, we are back from the vet. Poor boy had to spend FIVE hours out and about today altogether. He was pretty chill on the way there but was quite squirmy during his exam, as to be expected, and he wouldn’t let them draw blood from his jugular and was apparently bunny kicking when they did so from his hind legs, so they warned me that he may have some bruising develop back there. Everyone thought he was adorable though and they have nominated the name “Stanfield” for him lol. Vet thinks the coughing fits might be more so sneezing/reverse sneezing (honestly can’t remember which she said) and that he looks like he might be fighting off a mild URI due to his mild eye boogers and his third eyelid showing a little bit more than normal, so to watch how that goes and we will reevaluate if it’s continuing in a week or so. His last cough/sneeze fit was a lot less intense than the first though so I think he’s improving, I just hope this stressful day doesn’t set him back!! Overall she said he seems very healthy, his heart sounded good, and his teeth/gums are in good shape minus some gingivitis which is mild enough that I can start introducing teeth brushing without worry.

During the trip home the gabapentin definitely started to wear off and he was very much done with all the BS and being cooped up, so he was pressing and rubbing his face against the crate and sticking his little arms through and stuff. When I got home I noticed his nose was a bit swollen and red :sniffle: The bridge seems a bit raised/swollen and he definitely roughed up his actual nose enough to cause some redness/irritation, because it’s usually all very light pink. So hopefully that won’t cause another issue for him but I’m sure it will subside and get better on its own in the next few days. In the future, knowing he does this, I will make sure to bring him in my soft mesh crate. I also need to buy a new crate eventually for when I take all three kitties in as I only have two, so I’ll make sure that one is soft too.

Sad nose:

Stopped at Petsmart as well and got him a couple dozen cans of fancy feast in hopes that will help him develop a taste for wet food (he’s not a fan of the healthy stuff like Rawz that I have here for Bitsy and Moose) and got some new toys for all the babies to play with. Vet also recommended I hold off on introductions for a bit longer while the URI symptoms (hopefully) pass.

Should have his lab results back tomorrow (blood work and urinalysis) as well as his FIV/FELV test results. A lot of the cats from where he came from were tested, and not one tested positive, but he wasn’t so we both want to be extra safe. Here are some pictures from last night (pre-nose accident lol)


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  • #56


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
Thank you! He is happily polishing off his whole half can serving of fancy feast right now so that’s a big win. Usually he won’t eat more than 10-20 grams of wet IF he’ll even touch it, the most I’ve ever seen him eat in one go was like 30 grams and that was only once, and this is 40-ish grams!! Hopefully when I start mixing it with other wet foods he’ll still like it and eventually develop a taste for them too. I’ve never fed kitty crack before but desperate times call for desperate measures and so far it seems to be doing the trick for my little dry food addict :lol:
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  • #59


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
No results back yet so I’m guessing they wont come in till tomorrow.

My poor little man has been a bit shut down since we came home, I think the whole big trip and experience was a little much for him even though he seemed to handle it pretty well at the time. He hasn’t been back in his crate at all which is usually his favourite safe spot, and has been spending a lot of time in my least favourite of his safe spots, the space between the wall and bed, and isn’t coming out as much or being as cuddly as usual. He took a pretty soft light coloured poop last night, probably due to stress more so than the fancy feast. His eyes are watery, he has way more eye boogers than usual, and his third eyelid is showing quite a bit more than usual sometimes. No doubt now that he’s been fighting off a URI like the vet thought, and I’ve clearly made it worse by taking him in. Aaaaahh. I washed his crate blankie to get any vet smells off if it, so hopefully he’ll start using it and scent soaking it again soon. His nose is looking better but he’s clearly not feeling well, I feel so bad for him.



Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I have rescued several cats who were sick with one problem of another, including Fiona herself. Given the amount of time that you have had him, he may have been/be in some incubation period for a URI. No matter how hard that poor soul tried to take care of those cats, it is so difficult to avoid those problems when there are too many cats.

His nose will probably start to heal right away now that he is out of the crate.:hugs: