Help! Terrified Feral Kitten


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2017
Hey guys,

New to the forum because of the situation.

We're expats in Morocco. Lots of ferals here, people generally take care of them well. A few days ago, a kitten showed up on our street, meowing literally non-stop. Somewhere in the 4-6 weeks old range I think.

Our neighbors know the cats in the neighborhood and their litters. He's not one of them. He was screaming on the street the whole day unless running away from cars or people. Super scared, darts as soon as people move closer. Mom never came.

Our neighborhood also has stray dogs, so it's not safe for a kitten. Together with our neighbors we were able to capture it and bring it into our home.

We have cats (we're keeping them separate) and we've cared for strays before. This guy is nothing like we've ever dealt with.

He basically meows nonstop, 24/7. He's also super scared. Hisses and claws at you if you come close. He didn't eat or drink anything for the first 24 hours or so.

We were able to feed him a couple of times by literally stuffing food in his mouth when he opened it to meow. Once he realized it's food, he was willing to eat it off our hands. He seems to be capable of eating softened kitten dried food (we haven't yet found kitten formula, so that's not an option).

In the past day, he's eaten once or twice from a plate we placed in front of him. But it's rare. He did start using the litter we set up for him.

Looks healthy, his poop is literally perfect, so doesn't seem to have any health problems. He can run around just fine if need be.

But he's eating/drinking very little. He falls asleep for a bit during the day, then wakes up and continues to scream on top of his lungs for the rest of the day. But he won't let us near him, he keeps running away and hissing. We try mimicking non-aggressive behavior (lying down at his level, not staring at him, lowering our heads), but that doesn't help.

He does stop screaming for a bit when we come to the room, but then he picks it up again after a while. I think he's just scared of us so he stops for a bit.

At this point he's keeping us up as well as the neighbors. We have no idea what to do, he doesn't seem to be getting friendlier. There are no shelters here and letting him out on the street is basically a death sentence.

Any help? Thanks!


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Do you have a carrier, crate or box you can set up as a cave for him? A dark safe small spot might help him feel a little more secure. The other idea would be wrapping him up tightly in a blanket (look up purrito) and carry him around. It sounds like he is just scared and lonely.


Wild and Wonderful Animal Rescue Director
Top Cat
Jul 9, 2016
Morgantown, WV
He could be scared, or he could be in pain... are there any notable injuries? Could you post a picture of him? That would just help us gauge his age a bit more!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I agree with the above. He was likely abandoned, and wants his mom. He's very frightened!

Try giving him a dish of goat's milk if you can get it - no cow's milk.

Also try soft, pate-style canned food.

Food will calm him somewhat, and he needs to learn to trust. I like the idea of a dark cave, and wrapping him in a blanket to hold him.

It sounds like he is young enough to come around soon.

Poor little fellow. He's lucky you found him.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2017
Hey guys,

Thanks. We're about to head to bed, I'll snap a photo tomorrow morning. I don't think he's injured though, he walks/runs around just fine and sits like a normal cat would.

The towel thing would be great if I could get a hold of him. He bolts and if you manage to grab him poos/pees himself.

We do have a crate and kept him in there for a couple of days. He was generally OK in there, but he would still hiss and claw if you tried to get near him.

Over the past day we've left his crate door open and let him explore the room he's in. He came out, but only to hide in other crannies in the room (under the desk, behind the treadmill, etc) while still crying. The problem is, short of him going back to it or chasing him around the room, I'm not sure how I can get him back in there.

It's night time here and he seems to be calming down, which is an improvement (last two nights he was screaming until dawn). Hopefully that's a good sign?
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2017
Hey guys,

Here's the picture. I had to take out some things to be able to snap a pic. It's so bare because he pooed on the towels we had for lining and we need to wash them.

This is the problem. The crate doesn't fit a small litter box, food, water, a warm water bottle, and him all in one. But I can't let him out to go to the litter box - he doesn't go back to his crate on his own and the experiment of having him free in the room failed miserably. We have a small a crack in the room door and I saw him literally running in circles around the room meowing desperatly, sort of like "Anyone! Everyone! Help!".

I had to direct him back to the crate and once I gave him food and a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel, he got quiet.

My plan for now is to interchange food + water and his litter box + warm water bottle. He's pooed on himself several times since he's been here, but I can't really bathe him. He hisses and claws as soon as you bring your hand to him.

We bought pate-style cat food yesterday and he seems to like it. He's also getting used to that blue dish we use and he starts to eat as soon as you put it down in front of him.

I need to befriend him though. We need to be able to take him out of the crate and put him back without problems, as well as to wash him.

Any ideas how to do this?



Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
What a sweet looking little guy! Once he becomes less fearful he will make an awesome pet. Orange cats typically have very sweet temperaments.

Time is what this will take. A full belly, warm water bottle, and patience is the ticket.

You're going to have to wait it out. Speak softly and gently, and continue to spend time with him. It may take a few weeks, but he'll come around.

Good to hear he likes the pate.

If you can grab him, hold him by the scruff. It will immobilize him without hurting him, and possibly allow you to wipe him down with a warm, damp wash cloth.

Keep up the nice job!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2017
If you can grab him, hold him by the scruff. It will immobilize him without hurting him, and possibly allow you to wipe him down with a warm, damp wash cloth.
I'm not sure if I should risk trying to hold him for a while. Last two times I've grabbed him (I did hold him by the scruff), he pood himself in terror. I'm keeping away from any contact so that I can develop more trust with him.

I'd love to clean him up a bit (to my surprise, I don't think he has fleas, but he's just dirty), but I don't want to lose 4 days of progress for a bath.


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Sounds like he just needs time. Be there when he is ready. It's a tough one because it sounds like he is wanting attention but also wants space. How does he respond to other cats?
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2017
Sounds like he just needs time. Be there when he is ready. It's a tough one because it sounds like he is wanting attention but also wants space. How does he respond to other cats?
Yeah, that's the tricky thing. I think he's lonely, but he's also afraid of us, so it just ends up being a stalemate.

We're afraid of letting our cats near him. They're ~3 months old kittens and haven't gotten their shots yet. But they did encounter him a few times when they snuck into his room and they've had a couple of hissing matches. They also did just stare/sniff at each other the last time two of them came together.

Is there a problem with exposing our indoor house kittens to an outdoor feral?
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2017
I completely understand!
How would I go about establishing some level if physical contact? Grabbing him seems pretty intense, and petting him means raising my hand in front of his face, which is also quite aggressive.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Bless you for rescuing that poor little babycat. You and your neighbors are saints to tolerate his crying :angel:
You can try making his small crate a bi-level by cutting large portals in a squat cardboard box. I have made a "loft" by passing rods through the ventilation holes and putting a thick piece of cardboard on top, securing it with duct tape. I put the loft against the rear wall.
He is a gorgeous ginger! Thank you for the picture. One of my best cats was an older feral who was set to be euthanised because he was so wild. He became my disabled daughter's lapcat!:catrub:
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2017
You can try making his small crate a bi-level by cutting large portals in a squat cardboard box. I have made a "loft" by passing rods through the ventilation holes and putting a thick piece of cardboard on top, securing it with duct tape. I put the loft against the rear wall.
Hey the loft is a great idea! We had a rescue pigeon back in Canada and I made a loft for her in a similar way. I'll see if I have what I need for a loft.

People in Morocco are really good to stray animals. Many restaurants and butchers even have their "own" strays that live at the doorstep and get fed by the staff. So hopefully people understand the crying.

A little update:

Last night I gave him a warm water bottle and the litter box and he still cried most of the night, but not as loud or as continuously as before. His poop looks perfect still, which is amazing given that our house cats struggled for a long time when we first bought them. I'm wondering if this guy has worms. Doesn't seem to.

Why is it that he cries the most at night though? It's literally triggered by sundown, even if windows are closed, and ends with sunrise.

Anyway, today I held out the pâte container to him and he ate it while I was holding it. That's an improvement, I tried yesterday and he was too scared.

After, I very slowly inched my fingers towards him and touched his feet. He withdrew them but didn't hiss and didn't look scared. So hopefully in a few days I'll be able to pet him.

So it feels like we're making progress!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Congratulations on a great step forward - trusting you to hold the plate AND no hissing :clap: I suppose the evening is when his mother would return from salvaging expeditions. You can try explaining to him what is going on, how his mama kitty loves him but cannot take care of him, but no to worry, you will care for him and now he will have a real home, with toys, food and love - it sounds crazy but i have seen it work!:loveeyes:
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2017
Congratulations on a great step forward - trusting you to hold the plate AND no hissing :clap: I suppose the evening is when his mother would return from salvaging expeditions. You can try explaining to him what is going on, how his mama kitty loves him but cannot take care of him, but no to worry, you will care for him and now he will have a real home, with toys, food and love - it sounds crazy but i have seen it work!:loveeyes:
Thanks! So I think I figured a few things out.

When he has access to food, he wants nothing to do with us. I used to put a food container in his crate and if I offered him other food or just extend my hand towards him, he'd hiss and scratch.

I started keeping his food and water outside his crate. This also helps because he always ends up getting litter into the food container. Without "food security", he's a lot more willing to interact with us.

For example, I've been able to feed him by hand the last two times - no hissing. He doesn't drink the water (I don't think he realized what it is), but he seems to be OK. The pate is very wet.

He cried less last night. I fed him before bed and we were able to sleep without running our A/C (we used it to help drown out the meowing the last few nights).

Thanks to everyone for your help!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
He's acclimating to his situation more. Do you plan to let him sleep with you guys eventually?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2017
He's acclimating to his situation more. Do you plan to let him sleep with you guys eventually?
Yeah, he's got a long way to go, but he's becoming easier to deal with. We also just know what works and what doesn't, so that helps.

No, we're not planning to let him sleep with us. We don't let our house cats do that either on account of my cat allergy (which is manageable as long as I'm not in constant direct contact with them).

We might need to keep him as an outdoor cat, depending on how tame he becomes. Let's see.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
He's too young to be outdoors right now, but you probably already know that. Have you considered rehoming him?