The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Crossing my fingers for you.  Bureaucracies are soulless beasts.  And there is no bureaucracy like a medical bureaucracy, hiding behind humanitarianism.  

Now my right hip has decided to give me fits.  This is 5 days now.  If it continues until next Monday, I"m going to have to call Dr. DeSantis for something stronger than just the meloxicam and arthritis-strength Tylenol.  I'm a little afraid of getting stuck in the bathtub, if the hip won't let me stand.  SIGH...cell phone will be next to the tub, along with some sort of gown I can drop down over me if the fire department has to come get me out of the tree (so to speak)!
I hope you feel better soon. 
 (It's probably this beastly weather.)
sorry you are having issues with pain...look into Chinese cat's claw. it has pain relieving properties or turmeric. but turmeric is like taking Advil-it helps reduce inflammation. I had a whole list of herbs for pain but at the moment I lost it!

At work..snowing like a ..... I got asked to stay over for a bit so probably stay at least until 4:30. my foot is acting up from the boot so I'm resting it ontop of my sneaker for now. The storm acts up all my achy spots so I am not surprised it's acting up. No gym tonight..gonna go every other day except tomorrow I am supposed to go to the thrift store to look for some stuff..and the traffic coming from Portsmouth due northwest is always a beast. I am lucky I can get through it in 30 minutes...the last time I went I didn't get over the bridge until 6 and I was at the store for only  45 minutes. Today it's going to be a beast with the snow..I mind as well sit here until 7 if they let me...nothing worse than sitting in traffic in ice and snow. they are doing construction to make 2 lanes into 4 lanes..can't come soon enough.

By the way someone said I had my priorities in the wrong area because I won't make "home" cooked meals..since I am the only one who eats the vegetables=I buy precut because even if I bought a complete head of lettuce etc it would rot before I could eat it all. That's why I get loose spinach instead of lettuce. I love lettuce but it's got such a short window before it spoils. Celery I can get away with 10 days if I keep it in papertowels..but still takes me forever to use it up..the only things I buy uncut up are broccoli crowns, peppers (those go mushy fast) and mushrooms-sliced go bad faster too. sometimes I only need a handful of that ingredient and prepackaged often has 3 or 4 servings which allows me to eat up the food fast enough before it to buy all big varieties may save money but I would spend more money because it  goes bad before I can utilize it. I leave the house at 6am or earlier..don't get to the gym until 4-4:30 and stay till 6 to 7pm...stop at store for whatever fresh ingredients..go's pushing 8pm and I go to bed at 9 because I wake up at 4:30. I just don't have the time...cut me some slack please!
Nothing wrong with that. (By the way, you can extend the life of green veggies by wrapping them in green plastic wrap. Don't know why, but it tends to extend vegetable life by at least a week.)
You need to take a hot bath.  With a glass of wine.

Don't give up.  If you don't get anywhere over the phone, go back and ask to speak to her supervisor.

Good luck!  Feel better!

I don't know what to do about Connor.  A while back, he was biting Murphy's neck and trying to hump him.  We separated him from the other two for a while and it stopped.  Well, last night he started doing it again.  And then today.  Murphy kinda fights back but he gives up quickly.  I don't know how to get Connor to stop.  If he wants to get "happy" on the blanket, so be it.  But leave Murphy alone!

Just had a cop knock on the door and ask if we had a dog.  Nope, just cats.  Apparently there have been a lot of complaints about people in this neighborhood (cough *the apartment behind us* cough) not cleaning up their dogs' potty.  
The thought if very good--but I can't drink wine. I have a horrible reaction (it's not quite an allergic reaction, but I don't know what it is) to fermented fruits. I wish I could just afford a giant bar of chocolate and a bottle of sparkling grape juice. 
 At least my dreams are simple.
@Tallyollyopia   - Here's hoping that the bump in hours is short-lasted and smooth sailing so it doesn't rob you of all the energy you need to be doing other things.  Of course, since you are dealing with the public, odds are that it will involve dim wits, shoplifters, slobs and snobs but still, I'm wishing you the best.  And also, it would be nice if they would hire another person to work with you.  

As for the hospital, ***?  This is worth an email or snail-mail letter of complaint to the head of their PR department.  I know that whenever I've been to the hospital, I'm handed a questionnaire about my experience and it includes questions about the staff, including the non-medical staff.  Let them know how poorly you were treated.  There is no excuse for that kind of petty spitefulness in someone.  And who knows, it might get you a more meaningful response from the financial department.

@Alicia88  -  Try giving Connor a time out whenever he starts trying to prove his dominance over Murphy this way.  Did this behavior start when Mickey joined your family?  I'm wondering if it's a case of redirected aggression.

Just an update on Paul - he is back to normal today, thank heavens.  His eyes are clear and full of mischief (thanks @Angels mommy  for suggesting I look) and he played with Da Bird, ate his treats as well as Chula's and ate both breakfast and lunch today.  This is a huge relief.  We read so many stories of sick cats here that it's easy to fear the worst over minor things!  Thank you everyone for the good wishes!
I've been to the financial department several times. Up until today the people there were always polite, courteous, and helpful. Maybe it was that it was someone I've never met (I'm usually there during third shift, but I went there during second today in case they needed to send me somewhere in the hospital that closes--and they did), maybe it was a bad time of month, maybe it was bad chemistry. I just don't know--and everyone else was helpful today. I'd hate to get ire rained down on the wrong people, and it's not like she wore a nametag.

Glad to hear it about Paul! 

It started several months after we adopted Mickey.  I've been wracking my brain trying to think of anything that changed that might have triggered it, but I've got nothing.

Looks like we might be moving.  The landlord says he has a 2 bedroom that's gonna be available soon.  The people living there aren't good about paying their rent.  It's 1 1/2 bath and it looks really pretty on the outside.  Also gas heat and stove - which I prefer.  We're just trying to decide if we can afford it.  Right now we pay $350 a month and the electric bill.  The new place is $450 a month, and we also have to pay the water and gas on top of the electric.  But we really, really need a bigger place.
I wish you the best of luck. (Maybe it's a cat integration issue?) I don't know what you should do, but good luck with whatever you decide! 


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I'm starting to think Pea-Pea thinks I'm tasty. She is on the back of my chair. I put my hand up by her, and she licked and licked and licked. And then, CHOMP! Then CHOMP again! She looked very disappointed when I took my hand back.

She's given bites before, but these were a little more... enthusiastic!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
sorry you are having issues with pain...look into Chinese cat's claw. it has pain relieving properties or turmeric. but turmeric is like taking Advil-it helps reduce inflammation. I had a whole list of herbs for pain but at the moment I lost it!

At work..snowing like a ..... I got asked to stay over for a bit so probably stay at least until 4:30. my foot is acting up from the boot so I'm resting it ontop of my sneaker for now. The storm acts up all my achy spots so I am not surprised it's acting up. No gym tonight..gonna go every other day except tomorrow I am supposed to go to the thrift store to look for some stuff..and the traffic coming from Portsmouth due northwest is always a beast. I am lucky I can get through it in 30 minutes...the last time I went I didn't get over the bridge until 6 and I was at the store for only  45 minutes. Today it's going to be a beast with the snow..I mind as well sit here until 7 if they let me...nothing worse than sitting in traffic in ice and snow. they are doing construction to make 2 lanes into 4 lanes..can't come soon enough.

By the way someone said I had my priorities in the wrong area because I won't make "home" cooked meals..since I am the only one who eats the vegetables=I buy precut because even if I bought a complete head of lettuce etc it would rot before I could eat it all. That's why I get loose spinach instead of lettuce. I love lettuce but it's got such a short window before it spoils. Celery I can get away with 10 days if I keep it in paper towels..but still takes me forever to use it up..the only things I buy uncut up are broccoli crowns, peppers (those go mushy fast) and mushrooms-sliced go bad faster too. sometimes I only need a handful of that ingredient and prepackaged often has 3 or 4 servings which allows me to eat up the food fast enough before it to buy all big varieties may save money but I would spend more money because it  goes bad before I can utilize it. I leave the house at 6am or earlier..don't get to the gym until 4-4:30 and stay till 6 to 7pm...stop at store for whatever fresh ingredients..go's pushing 8pm and I go to bed at 9 because I wake up at 4:30. I just don't have the time...cut me some slack please!
Didn't mean to get you all upset, obviously your life is different from what mine has ever been so let's just drop all of this. Small hint regarding lettuce: I buy only leaf lettuce, not the iceberg. I  wash it really well, then dry it in a salad spinner, pour out all the water and then store it in the spinner. The lettuce will last all week or even longer, I just pull leaves off it. Without a spinner you can dry it in paper towels and then wrap it in paper towels and put it in a ziplock bag, making sure the lettuce does not touch the plastic anywhere, it will last at least a week. This trick works with most veggies, even tomatoes which we are not supposed to put in the fridge and sweet onions which rot easily because of the high sugar content, but both of those need to be individually wrapped before putting them in the crisper by themselves, not in plastic.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Hi everyone! Just checking in before my work week begins. I have good news and more good news. I was accepted by Amazon and am waiting for an official start date. It pays $1.00 more an hour than the agency that hired me.

I also applied to Home Goods last week and found out today I got the job. Both are part time. DH was unimpressed with HG's salary which is more than minimum wage. It took him a while to realize I am planning to work both jobs.

@tallyollyopia give SD SLO-mag a magnesium supplement. Sold at Walmart. It helps things move along and should improve his mood.

@mamanyc1953. How are LB and Hekitty getting along?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Hi everyone! Just checking in before my work week begins. I have good news and more good news. I was accepted by Amazon and am waiting for an official start date. It pays $1.00 more an hour than the agency that hired me.

I also applied to Home Goods last week and found out today I got the job. Both are part time. DH was unimpressed with HG's salary which is more than minimum wage. It took him a while to realize I am planning to work both jobs.

@tallyollyopia give SD SLO-mag a magnesium supplement. Sold at Walmart. It helps things move along and should improve his mood.

@mamanyc1953. How are LB and Hekitty getting along?
I might just do that. 
 Heaven knows he's not admitting anything's wrong. Congratulations with your new jobs! (I hope they work well together instead of competing for your time and draining you dry.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, we had a blackout that just ended, and RB and I were reminiscing about the last time we lost power. (It was three years ago during an ice storm.) SD and AWM were off visiting LS up in Washington when the ice storm hit and crippled the county (and probably more than the county. We're just not built for that kind of weather down here), so RB, IB, and I got trapped in the house together. At the time we didn't have cats (Rose wouldn't join the house for another few months), but I did have two red-eared slider baby turtles in a tank with several minnows and goldfish (strange how I couldn't keep them alive until I got them to feed the turtles), and a pair of lovebirds. (This was the year after our dog, Goku, had died. Grandma gave me the lovebirds, that had been passed around the church because no one knew how to care for lovebirds and I'm better at research than most of my peers, the same week that AWM brought home two baby red-eared slider turtles that she'd bought from the flea market. I think they were trying to make me feel better about having lost my dog. Yes, I know he was technically a household pet, but I was the one who fed, watered, groomed, and took him to get his rabies shots--so mine.) So, I had the trouble of how to keep the house warm, the turtles and fish warm, the birds warm, and the humans warm. This wouldn't have been so bad, except that RB, despite warnings from me, tried to get IB to pull his weight. IB had (has) a bit of a drug problem, and saw the ice storm as an excuse to get high making him capable of following simple  orders. Such as, "IB, watch the fire" led to IB watching the fire go out. (I kept the birds in the cage with the three sides away from the woodstove covered while I heated rocks from the turtle tank on the stove to put into the water to keep it heated. The fish were pathetically grateful for the warm stones, but the turtles were like, "Eh--it's the least she can do." Oh, and I mixed boiling water--which I had going constantly so that if anyone got thirsty they could have something warm to drink--with the ice cold tap water to make warm water for the birds to drink.) So when I got up I had to frantically scramble to restart the fire, heat the rocks for the (rapidly cooling) turtle tank, and try to explain to RB why IB couldn't pull his weight during the storm.

And I thought--yeah. At least I don't have to do that again. (Knock on wood and 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Okay, I might not be able to write more for a while, but for the moment here's another excerpt in Magic School and Egg.

Chapter 2

Yarey woke up curled around her egg and sat up. She gasped as the memory of Ueni attacking hit her—but at the same time she remembered what she'd seen when it had happened. She remembered Ueni's childhood. She remembered the unchanging man. Who had that been? Or, more appropriately, what had he been? She'd never heard of the like.

She carefully got out of bed, trying not to disturb the sling with the egg in it too much. Then again, they hadn't been warned about jostling the eggs—just told to keep the eggs with them at all times. And she'd had the egg with her yesterday when she ran for training, to build her muscles back up.

She heard a muffled exclamation from the main room and she got up to see if something was wrong. She noticed, on her way out, that the other bed was already empty. Rarta was already up.

Anba was staring at her egg when Yarey came out into the main room and turned to see Yarey. “Yarey!” she said excitedly. “Look!” She held up her egg, which had a faint light blue dusting on it.

A glance at Odandi's egg showed that the slight pink hue had darkened until the entire egg was pink. It wasn't a dark pink, but it most definitely wasn't white anymore. “What about your egg, Yarey?” asked Odandi.

Yarey hadn't even checked. The sling covered the whole thing. Now she pulled it out and stared. While Odandi and Anba's eggs were one color, Yarey's had three. At the narrow point (that she assumed was the top) was a faint dusting of pink, similar to the pink originally seen on Odandi's egg. The wide middle was faintly dusted with light green while the wide point (that she assumed was the bottom) was dusted with a faint brown.

“Wow,” said Anba. “There's so many colors.”

Odandi frowned. “Is that normal?” she asked.

Yarey shrugged. The coloring of her egg made her uncomfortable, although she couldn't say why. She gently put the egg back into the sling and made sure the sling was securely fastened. Then she focused on Anba, standing in the main room. “You look like you're feeling better,” she commented.

Anba grinned. “I'm doing much better now,” she told Yarey.

Odandi shook her head. “As long as you don't forget those ointments,” she commented. She looked around. “I don't see Rarta.”

“She was gone when I woke up,” said Yarey.

At that moment Anba's stomach loudly rumbled and all three of them laughed. “I think we should get ready for breakfast,” Odandi said with a chuckle.

Yarey and Anba nodded. Yarey went back to her room and got dressed in her uniform. When putting the top on she paused and stared at it. It hit her, really hit her, that she was at the school. She wasn't on the estate anymore. She wouldn't have to deal with the tutor that tried to turn her into a proper young lady. She wouldn't have to deal with watching Kaldin and Kalvor flirt and Isdel yell at them. She wouldn't have to deal with her mother suddenly spacing out, or servants arguing about whether or not she should continue her weapons lessons or fling herself into the teachings of the new tutor.

Yarey sat hard on the bed as she realized she wasn't going to be there for the feast of Denqua. She wouldn't be there when Kaldin got married. She wouldn't be there for her mother’s birthday, she wouldn't be there to see the new foals, she wouldn't be there to watch the first steps of their training.

She had left it all behind. But still, she thought as she caressed the shirt she was holding, it was part of her. Her life at the estates had made the core of what she was. She was just taking the next step, that was all. It wasn't like she'd never see them again, after all.

She shivered and quickly put on her shirt to fight the chill, then slung the make-shift sling and its egg into place in front of her stomach. It was time for breakfast in a brand new day. She might not be able to go back to the estate any time soon, but she was going to live a brand new life. And maybe, perhaps, she would find out about her father.

She reached for the doorknob and paused. What had happened to Ueni? All Yarey knew was that the other girl had been taken out of the room last night—but what had happened after that? Ueni was pitiful—but she was also dangerous. There must be a way to help her. She needed help badly, Yarey was certain of that. The person who would know would be Rarta. Yarey would track her down and ask after breakfast.

Shysera met the group in front of the dorm building doors. She was leaned against the door, Oskald draped across her shoulders, when the three girls went down and grinned at the three of them. “I see someone's feeling better,” she said.

Anba grinned and hugged Yarey. “It's all thanks to the medicine Yarey got.”

“I didn't make the ointments,” protested Yarey.

Shysera laughed. “I see the three of you are getting along. Come on, it's time for breakfast.”

Yarey thought about that as they followed Shysera out, and kept one hand on the egg in her sling. “Hey,” she said suddenly, “how many colors usually show on a soulling egg?”

Odandi looked at Yarey as the walked down the path. Then she looked at Shysera. “That's a good question,” she said. “How many?”

“Oh, you're worried about Ueni's egg,” said Shysera. “Don't worry; the multiple colors don't mean much. In my group, one of the girls even had an egg that looked like a rainbow before it hatched.”

As they passed a certain area Yarey couldn't help but notice that the grass was once again uniform in length—but the flowers from Oskald's sparks were still there. Now that she was looking at them she noticed that they were not only different colors, but different shapes and sizes. Some were as large as her hand while some were as small as the head of a sewing pin. Tiny beds had been raised around the flowers, like the beds that were around the fruit trees at the estate.

“Yarey!” She looked up to see that she had spaced out looking at the flowers and the others had gotten ahead of her. She ran to catch up and looked at the others. “This school is strange.”

Anba rolled her eyes. “You saw some of the buildings and what gets you to say that are flowers.”

Shysera just laughed. “Sometimes,” she told the girls, “you have to look beyond the obvious.”

Anba sniffed the air and sighed with appreciation. “That smells really good.”

“It does,” said Odandi. The group put on a little more speed as they moved towards the food hall.

“What do you think of the smell, Yarey?” asked Shysera.

“I don't have a sense of smell,” Yarey informed the group.

Anba turned to Yarey with a frown. “That's—that's sad.”

Yarey shrugged. She'd never thought it was sad—especially when she'd had muck the stables. There had been times when, judging by the looks on the faces of the people around her, she'd been quite glad she had no sense of smell.

“What is usually served for breakfast?” Yarey asked.

“Probably not what you're used to,” said Shysera.

“At home,” said Odandi, “we usually have a dish of fish next to a dish of meat, served with mead.”

“We usually had bread and cheese,” observed Anba.

“At the estates,” said Yarey thoughtfully, “breakfast is yesterday's bread soaked in drippings kept warm by the fire and served with water.”

The others turned to look at her. “Now that's depressing,” said Shysera.

Yarey shrugged. She had never thought so, but then that kind of breakfast was normal to her; it was what she'd grown up with. She had always enjoyed breakfast at home; the bread was always seasoned with what the previous day's meat had been seasoned with, and thus the taste changed. “What is breakfast here like?” she asked.

“Cook makes several different egg dishes, some fish dishes, and fries some salt-preserved meat to go with it,” Shysera explained.

Yarey felt her mouth watering and was sure the others felt the same. Suddenly something occurred to her. “Those are all meat,” she pointed out.

“Well, yes,” admitted Shysera. “Around here the most meat is served in the morning meal.”

“Ban'cha can't eat meat,” Yarey pointed out. She didn't know what bad thing would happen if he did, but she knew that something would.

“I'm sure Cook took that into account,” said Shysera. “She's not the type of person to forget.”

The distinctive mess hall came into view and Yarey's stomach rumbled, reminding her that last night's meal had been quite some time ago. Odandi and Anba laughed. “Some part of you must be able to smell,” said Odandi as the three calmly walked towards the building.

“Would one of you be the potential student Yarey?” asked a voice. The voice was deep and sounded depressed, as if the owner was expecting the answer to be negative.

The group turned and Yarey stared at the—person in shock. He (although she wasn't certain on his gender the voice sounded far too deep to be female) came up to about her waist, had thick, purple skin covered in bumps of some kind, and was blinking huge yellow eyes with pointed oval pupils that stretched from corner to corner of his eyes. He had no hair and was wearing a purple robe that was three shades darker than his skin. Needless to say, Yarey had never seen anything like him before. She would be willing to bet that, given the unnatural silence from Odandi and Anba, that neither of the other two had either.

“Vice Dean Rhyssa,” said Shysera. Yarey glanced at the older girl; she was looking at the—person with respect. “This is Yarey,” she added with a little nudge to Yarey's shoulder.

“Ah,” said Yarey intelligently, “yes. Yes, I'm the potential student named Yarey.”

The—person sighed. “Excellent. I have some questions to ask you.”

“Now?” asked Odandi with incredulity.

“No.” The Vice Dean shook his head. “I wouldn't want to get between you humans and your food. The only scarier thing is the Dean's soulling Windsword. Come see me after you eat.” He paused. “If you like, you can bring your friends with you,” he added.

“See you where?” asked Anba, echoing Yarey's thoughts.

The Vice Dean sighed again. “I'm in the big red boulder,” he said wearily. “Trust me; you can't miss it.” He waddled off as the girls stared at him.

“The big red boulder?” asked Yarey looking at Shysera.

“That was rude,” said Odandi glaring at the waddling figure. “He could at least have greeted us.”


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
@mamanyc1953. How are LB and Hekitty getting along?
Pretty darned well.  Hekitty watches him eat in rapt fascination.  She occasionally hisses a bit and lashes her tail, but she doesn't even bother puffing it out when she does it.  Other times, they sit quite happily and gaze at one another through the glass.  It's a lot of fun to watch!

Waiting for the doctor's office to call me back about prednisone.  It did a good jpb of knocking this out of the left hip.  Crossing fingers.  If they call soon I can get it delivered today!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
The one on the right is the one we would be living in.  It looks like a duplex.
RB is my responsible brother and IB is my irresponsible brother (and foster brother).

Oh, and everyone who's curious--Rose is still doing great and has made friends with two of the neighbor kitties. (According to AWM they're two orange cats; one that's big and chill and one that doesn't stop talking--kind of like Spot and Ra.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
RB is my responsible brother and IB is my irresponsible brother (and foster brother).

Oh, and everyone who's curious--Rose is still doing great and has made friends with two of the neighbor kitties. (According to AWM they're two orange cats; one that's big and chill and one that doesn't stop talking--kind of like Spot and Ra.)
That's awesome!!!

My mom left!  DD messaged me and said he's been yelling and screaming all day and mom told her to get ready cuz they were leaving as soon as his son showed up and he was distracted.  And they left.

I don't know why she's leaving instead of just calling the cops and having him thrown out -  it's HER place after all - but this is a start.  She's never left him before.  There were times when we were kids and things got really bad when she would get us out of bed, bundle us in the car, and run to the cop's house.  But then the next day she dropped the charges.  I don't know - maybe I'm being a fool for feeling hopeful, but I am a little bit.  Pray she ends it for good!!!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
That's awesome!!!

My mom left!  DD messaged me and said he's been yelling and screaming all day and mom told her to get ready cuz they were leaving as soon as his son showed up and he was distracted.  And they left.

I don't know why she's leaving instead of just calling the cops and having him thrown out -  it's HER place after all - but this is a start.  She's never left him before.  There were times when we were kids and things got really bad when she would get us out of bed, bundle us in the car, and run to the cop's house.  But then the next day she dropped the charges.  I don't know - maybe I'm being a fool for feeling hopeful, but I am a little bit.  Pray she ends it for good!!!
Wow, this is huge news.  Do you know where they went?   I hope she really means it, though this will be very hard for her.  It is one thing to take off when the adrenaline is flowing after being verbally abused all day but far too many women convince themselves it wasn't really that bad once some time has gone by.   She will need a lot of moral support and reminders that your sister and her unborn baby are depending on her. I hope she stands firm.  It will really help her to consult a lawyer with experience in domestic violence.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
As far as my mom knows, I don't know that she's left him.  But she messaged me and asked if she could come here so I could help her do her taxes.  Of course I said yes.  It's a 2 hour drive.  I think she's running scared.  She has no idea where to go.  So . . . I'll help her with her taxes . . . maybe I can think of a way to offer to let her stay here tonight but how can I do that without spilling the beans and letting her know that DD told me that she's left?


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Can't you offer her a place to stay overnight so she doesn't have to face another drive home?    She will probably talk about it to you, anyway.   It's hard to imagine she would seek sanctuary at your place and then not tell you what's going on.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I thought about that.  Offering to let her stay here cuz it's such a long drive back.  If I make it believable.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I don't know if she'll tell me.  She knows how much I hate him . . . I guess we'll see in an hour or so . . . when she gets here . . .
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I don't know if she'll tell me.  She knows how much I hate him . . . I guess we'll see in an hour or so . . . when she gets here . . .
Good luck.. be cool.. pretend you do not know anything... yes, ask her to stay the night because it is a long ride back to her house, in the dark, especially with your sister being would be worrying if they did not stay....

keep us updated... if you can.... fingers crossed, and prayers being sent


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Nobody can this do for her. It's her home, not his, she should have the cops throw him out and get a restraining order, change locks, maybe get a big vicious dog and always follow up on the restraining order. However, from what you said she probably will just let him stay there and eventually return and it all  starts all over again. Until she grows a backbone and really throws him out permanently  it will just be the same old, same old. I would not hold my breath.

Did she take DD with her? Is she coming to your home also? Perhaps you can get together with your sister to make your mom understand that living without that creep is better than with him. There is always the fear of "being alone" (tell me about it, been there, done that), but being alone is better than living with this creep, just don't call him names, it will make her defend him.  She can't be that old considering your and your sister's ages, there can very well be another love in her life, just give it time. Your mom sounds like a pretty good catch with a job, a house and perhaps some money in the bank.The creep just has her convinced that she is not worth anything and that nobody else will have her.  Big fat WRONG! I wish you and her lots of luck in getting this straightened out to the satisfaction of you, your mom and your sister DD. Love to you.
At least they did clean up this mess before leaving

you can see the film that is on the right-side window which is half open, from dirt and calcium in the water from when the building was washed and they hit the windows too

I cleaned the window as well as I could but on the left window on the left part I could not reach and it's still not clean, at least I can see through it

I still have not been able to pry that right side window out of its track, I think the track is distorted, possible due to earthquakes. What's a person to do?

This was one of the first things I noticed when I first came to this country: how do you clean the windows on the outside when you live above the first floor? I was used to French windows that opened to the inside so you could clean both sides even if you lived in a hi-rise. I read of someone in NYC saying that the windows in his place had not been cleaned since the building was built about 75 years ago, that he could barely see through them and there was no way to get to the outside of the window, it was a crank type that opened to the outside. Whoever dreamt up windows like that? When you live in a rental you can't change them, otherwise those windows of mine would come off and I would put in what I call "proper windows".

So much for my rant.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Yay on doing your taxes!  I use taxslayer but they're probably not much different.  They would be free for the simplest filing, but I also had school forms to include (tuition stuff) so I had to pay a small fee.

I talked to DD alone for a minute.  Yes, she came down with my mom.  Mom would never leave her.  DD said they both hate it in Iowa and on the way here Mom was talking about finding them an apartment here in Kirksville until she can find another house for sale.  I REALLY hope she goes through with it . . . and does something.  I'm gonna be livid if she keeps making payments on the house - she was going to be renting to own it - for him to live in.  Mom didn't say a word to me about anything that was going on.  I did suggest that they stay here instead of driving all the way back.  I have a Queen bed and Mom and DD are both asleep in there now.  John's gonna sleep on the couch and I'm gonna squeeze in there with them.  And you're right - my mom isn't that old.  She'll be 50 in July.  Nowadays, that's barely middle aged.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
Time to rant about work:

So I work at my parent's restaurant and tonight I had to close. Nothing out of the ordinary really.

But I've been noticing some laziness with some of the cleaning, so I kinda went a little crazy and started frantically cleaning some of the things that were really getting on my nerves.

For instance, our nacho chip bin/warmer (which does get cleaned with bleach water and vinegar each night) starts to get this yellowy oily buildup on the glass on the inside (just from the oil and salt on the chips) if it doesn't have a proper scrub with steel wool (as opposed to the dish towel which is what we use to clean it every night) once a week. They are SUPPOSED to scrub it EVERY SUNDAY (I almost never close on sundays). But lately it was looking SO DINGY. I thought, there is no way they've been scrubbing it like they're supposed to!

So when I cleaned the chip bin tonight, I gave it a good scrub and now it's spotless! But it took me nearly an HOUR even when scrubbing with steel wool!

After an hour of scrubbing it's finally clean!

The other thing that irked me about the nacho bin was that when I pulled it out to clean the glass on the back/outside. There was a HUGE pile of chips laying behind it. Sometimes people are careless when they pour the chips into the bin and a few fall behind it. But you're supposed to pull the bin out and clean under/behind it! Clearly that hadn't been done in months!

The other thing I did was give the bathroom sinks a good scrub with bleach water, lyme away and steel wool because the sinks have had some pretty bad lyme and hard water buildup (which, isn't the employee's fault, that happens pretty fast here. Our area has EXTREMELY hard water!). But that took about half an hour to do both the sink in the men's room and the one in the women's.

After I clened all the tables, I also pulled the booths out from up against the wall in order to clean the walls and discovered that that wasn't being done regularly either! So any food that the customers would spill on the wall or in the gap between the table/booth and the wall (mostly taco sauce or nacho cheese) would just get stuck to the wall and dry there. So I then spent several more minutes scrubbing dried drips of sauce and nacho cheese off of the wall and booths.

We close at 9 and I was there until 11 cleaning. I did so much scrubbing that my hands are raw from the steel wool!

I brought all of this and more up to my parents when I got home tonight and they are going to be having a manager's meeting to adress it this weekend. Which is good because I do care about what customers think about the cleanliness of the place. And I don't want other people's laziness to make my family and our restaurant look bad!
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