Update on my MIL's house (it's long)


In the kitchen with my cookies
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Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We are getting there. The furniture that's left will be going into consignment (although I don't expect much to happen there as it's "vintage"). We are taking a cedar chest for our bedroom, Rick's grandfather's rocking chair, and a very old gooseneck lamp. I'm hoping to find a neat lamp shade for the lamp, but I don't know. It's a floor model and it's really neat, but finding a shade could be tricky. I'll post a picture of it when we get it home. Our son is taking another cedar chest and Rick's mom's rocking chair....he really wanted that chair and I was glad he could take it. 

The tvs will go into recycling. The weight bench and weights are going to the landfill as nobody wants them. And then, it's just a matter of finishing up the cleaning.

The realtor has decided that the carpet must go. There is hardwood in all the rooms, so it stands to reason. Rick and I have already agreed we are not doing that work, much to his sister's dismay, so they'll have to get a company to come in. Rick's done. Rick and I have been dealing with that house in our spare time since November and enough is enough. So, no, we are not tearing out carpet, and no, we are not refinishing floors, just in case his sister gets that idea into her head yet. HIs mom tried to talk to Rick about the floors a couple months ago and Rick told her that he and I simply were not dealing with it.

Yesterday, I was working in one of the bedrooms. I was trying to wash down walls and his sister would come in to "talk". About nothing really. She had come down to go through some final stuff, get it in boxes, etc. But she didn't want to do it without Rick, who was upstairs trying to clean. Since she had to wait for him, she would either come back and "talk" or she would sit in the living room and drink water or eat granola bars. She never offered to help me; she never offered to help Rick. She either got in my way or she would talk to me about stuff I had no interest in listening to. I've started to use my iPod when I'm up there, simply so I don't have to listen to the blather anymore....until she walked over one time and physically removed my ear buds because she wanted to talk to me. 

I was up on a stool yesterday, washing the ceiling. When I got down off the ladder and turned around, I walked right into her. I went out to the kitchen to get clean water in my bucket. Turned around and walked into her. Went back into the room and started moving some things from the floor to another area so that I could wash the wall. And she started yelling at me, telling me that I couldn't move it, the stuff was there and all separated and Rick would get mad. I had already told Rick that I was going to move the stuff, so that I could wash and he had said it was fine, that was the stuff they were going to go through, so no biggie. But that was it. I turned around and walked out of the house. And I went for a walk. When I got back, I took the truck keys off Rick, told him to text me when his sister left, and I'd come back. And I walked out and came home. Rick thanked me for that because, after I left, then she went upstairs, sat on the floor up there watching Rick work and complained to him that I was mean to her. 
 Didn't offer to help, of course, just sat there complaining. At least if I'm there, she's hassling me, not him. She is useless, completely useless.

Rick and his sister did get some more things packed up, so she did do something yesterday. Rick said he made up his mind that she was actually going to work for a change, esp since I wasn't there. She didn't stay long once he put her to work....she said she had to go home. But it's really frustrating, trying to deal with her and try to clean at the same time. We've been trying to go to the house when we know she's not going to be there, simply because, between the two of us, we can really work and get stuff done. She's in the way more than anything and yesterday was pretty much the limit for me. I am not going to deal with her anymore. We're going back up to the house this morning after I'm done with laundry here, so that I can finish the walls in that room and get the vacuuming done in that room. That will be two rooms completely done. (Yeah, two rooms.....since November. Well, three, I guess, because the kitchen is cleaned now, too. And the basement is pretty well cleaned, other than the room with the weight bench and the weights.) I still have the bathroom, the dining room, and some of the upstairs.

You know, I'm not afraid of work. I'll work my butt off and I'll help anybody do anything that I can do. I'm not afraid of ladders and I'll wash down walls and ceilings and do whatever it takes. But that house is simply in a horrible state. It was filthy, just filthy. We didn't realize how bad it actually was until we started working. It wasn't just clutter; the house was filthy. It's a cinder block house with brick exterior and there is no insulation. So all the exterior walls are cracked. The carpet that's there is cheap indoor/outdoor carpet, nothing good, so I can understand the realtor's insistence that it be removed. The place seriously needs to be rewired....switches don't work properly anymore and lights flicker all over the place. The upstairs is just one big room with a small bathroom; that was Rick's room when he lived at home. Those walls also need to be washed because of condensation up there. At the bathroom window upstairs, the bat guano is so bad that I won't even think about touching it. Sorry, but I'm not going there. And that's just some of it. (When we were getting things ready for the public sale, I spent 3 hours cleaning her KA mixer because it was that filthy. 3 hours! And that is no exaggeration. I'm talking steel wool pads and Magic Erasers.) There was mice dirt in the kitchen. We were appalled. And Rick had (and still has) some serious problems with it. He's having a really hard time with things. We went through 60 pounds of cheap cat litter, just trying to fill old paint cans to dry out the paint......why somebody would even have that much old paint around is beyond us. Old tires, old dog collars, old dog beds, broken-down small appliances (who keeps 3 broken toaster ovens???), just tons and tons and tons of junk. Boxes and boxes of cleaning supplies, not used, and those I took home. They were just lazy and it was easier to throw stuff in the basement than throw stuff out. And we've been dealing with this. Since November. Rick is pretty much done.

I don't even think it can be considered hoarding. It's simply that they never cleaned and they never threw anything away. They lived in that house for almost 50 years and never threw anything away. Ever. Like I said, Rick is really having problems with the whole thing. He didn't realize things were that bad.  

She had a cleaning lady come in, but what in the world that woman was doing is beyond us. She certainly wasn't cleaning anything. The cleanest that kitchen has ever been was after I went in, cleaned it all out, and then washed all the cabinets, the shelves, the walls, the appliances, all that good stuff. It took me two days to get it all cleaned...it was just filthy. Greasy filthy. When I started tearing the bathroom apart, that's when we found all the mold. You have no idea. And it's been Rick and me doing the work. His sister comes in, but she walks around a little bit, sits in the living room because she's "soooooo tired" and then gets in my way because she wants to talk to me. Talk to me about what? Well, usually, she's playing Little Miss Victim because her mother has picked on her all her life and she has problems. Or it's about her health issues. Or about their cats (they do have four adorable cats). Or about MY weight. Yes, MY weight. Considering she's heavier than I am, I think that takes balls. Yesterday, she was concerned because I seemed out of breath while I was washing down the walls and she thought maybe she should go home to get her nebulizer for me to use. I am serious. I have a cold, for crying out loud. And right before we went up to the house, I had been on the treadmill. But she was adamant that I needed a nebulizer treatment. That's the kind of stuff she talks about. It's all blather.

My parents' house? While it wasn't immaculate, it was clean. My parents always took a lot of pride in our house. My dad constantly updated whatever needed to be done. My mother wouldn't go to bed with a coffee cup in the sink. I went up there once a year, took their kitchen apart, and Mom and I cleaned. Washed down cabinets, new shelving paper. I helped Dad paint the rooms whenever they needed it. I offered to help Rick's mom in the same way. "No, no, I have it. We're fine." Well, no, you weren't fine.

So there you go. We are nearing the end....at least we think we are. Like I said, we both have refused to do any kind of floor work. At this point, the house should be sold as a fixer-upper and whatever his mother gets for the house, she gets. His mother isn't happy about it because she needs to money to live where she's living now. But we are done. It just needs to be done.

End of rant. Thank you for reading.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I am glad you are getting close to the end.  It sounds like with all the work the house needs it will probably end up being a tear down.  You get into things like wiring, insulation and mold removal it would probably be easier and cheaper to tear it down and build new.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
i understand your frustration. and you have better manners than I do. I would have flipped her off. I don't know how you do it. Sell it the way it is. Its not fair for you guys to loose months of your life cleaning up after someone who doesn't care. When Jon Lost his brother a few years ago-it took him months to clean out that single wide trailer and garage. After that I tossed so much of my clutter because I didn't want him to have to deal with my stuff if something happens to me. I still have another room to do but that's better than 3 rooms of books and clothes..why I hang onto stuff is beyond me. So yep a good cleaning is good for the soul. Jon is picky too-hates dirty dishes in the sink,. i will hear him at 2AM get up and do the dinner dishes. I am thankful he is so spic and span because I wasn't. My mother was like your mother in law. I have her KA mixer and it took me hours to scrub the crap off and the motor heats up when i turn it on..gonna toss it shortly=put it on my lawn with a free sign and note that needs fixing. 

I think wearing ear pods is the perfect thing. how old is Ricks sister?  She sounds like my neighbors i had growing up. they always blamed their problems on everyone else. 

my sister snickers at me because when i am at her house i am constantly cleaning something. i just cant stand dirt and clutter. i don't mind dust. i just don't like puppy and kitten messes and food messes...so one day i cleaned her microwave-it was a holiday dinner..didn't think anything of it-and she got weird at me like why are you doing that> i said because I love you and you need to have a good area for food prep..she says I live on a farm. I said you still need to sanitize things for everyone's health. its not to be rude-I love you but someone will get sick if you don't keep on top of it otherwise maybe you should get the animals spayed then you wont be cleaning up so much crap. 

needless to say I guess I said the wrong thing..we are not close anymore. I only know what I learn in my studies and what I would want others to be comfortable around me-cleanliness is a good thing. 

And I think you guys putting your foot down is perfect. Tell the real estate to come on her knees and lift carpeting that probably wasn't vacuumed in 30+ years and see how she feels about it. I agree with the statement above-if things are so bad with wiring/plumbing etc may have to gut the house and start over. 

Keep your foot down. don't let them talk you into anymore work. you did more than enough.


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
Sounds utterly exhausting! That's hard work, and you don't need people complaining and dragging you down emotionally while you do it. I hope the house gets sold quickly, and you can enjoy a restful summer. You both should take some time out for yourselves and go away perhaps, or do some fun daytrips. You've earned it!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
:hugs: That sounds absolutely draining - not just the physical work, but also your s-i-l's annoying behavior. :vibes::vibes::vibes: that you can put it all behind you ASAP.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Thanks, guys. It is frustrating. We never spent a lot of time with his sister and BIL, simply because we have so little in common. And, well, I have more in common with him than I do her. He is a baker, he is a smoker (meat, not cigarette), he simply loves to cook. She and I have nothing in common. And every time we're all together, it's pretty much a rehash of how she was wronged by her mother and how she is still being treated. I'm really tired of hearing about it. We hear it ad nauseam, to the point where Rick is even tired of dealing with it. She'll get into an argument with Rick's mom, then text both of us to tell us all about it. Or she'll call me and tell me everything. I don't answer my cell that often anymore when I know she's calling. It was on the tip of my fingers the other day to tell her that as long as she continues to act like a child (which she is doing), her mother will continue to treat her like one. But I didn't. Not my sister, not my place. It's getting more difficult, as time goes on.

I did tell her one time that her mother can't treat her like this if she wouldn't allow her to do so. And that she has an option. She can either take it (and then complain bitterly to Rick and me) or she can let it go. What's done is done. She can agree to just let it go and stop dwelling on it. Hard to do. And I know that because of my own problems with my mom. But you can either let it go or you can let it destroy you. She's really big on meditation and I told her that maybe she should meditate about it. I don't think she was amused. But it is what it is. 

She is 67, so she is older than me and older than Rick. She says she has a lot of physical problems, but honestly, when all you do is sit around, well, I would think it would be hard to move around. At least her husband gets some exercise by working in the garden. She does nothing. And whenever there's some serious work to be done, we can count on her to feel dizzy, to not be able to stand up or she'll feel that she has to pass out, or to become nauseous because she hasn't eaten anything in 30 minutes. And then when she's finished with her bar and her bottles of water, she puts everything in the kitchen with a remark to me that "Maybe you could take this out to the trash. Thanks for being so good to me." 

Anyway, Rick and I were at the house today and I'm pretty much done with the second bedroom now. Still have some things that have to be taken out of the house and then a good vacuuming and a dusting of ceilings and corners and such and we should be pretty much done. The guy is coming on Tuesday to take some furniture to consignment, Rick and I are hoping to get our furniture out next weekend (we have been having a lot of problems with rain....you can't move furniture in the rain and we have items that we have to take down to our son, too). I'll do the bathroom and finish up in the dining room and do a quick wiping-down in the kitchen, along with a good floor scrubbing. I need to go upstairs to vacuum and then I'm going to try to shine-up the hardwood floor up there a bit. Clean that bathroom and then, other than all that bat poop, I am done.

His mother called this afternoon to ask again about removing the carpet. She mentioned that Rick's sister had suggested some painting in neutral colors. Rick stressed he/we are not doing it. Nor are we re-finishing any floors. And we most certainly are not painting. Anything. She is not happy. She needs the money from the sale of the house. Rick does not care.

When this is over, we are going to have a "The bloody house is cleaned!" party! 

And when the house is sold? We're taking a long weekend (and only telling the pet sitter where we're going). 


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Sounds like a loong huge process. Glad it's almost over for you 
I am not looking forward to the day when my parents have to move out of their house and into a senior apartment or assisted living place or nursing home, which unfortunately will be within the next 10 years if not much sooner
The house was built in the 1920s and has never been updated or renovated or even fixed since then. Basically everything in the two family house is either falling apart or long broken and does not meet current housing codes although the second floor apartment is in better shape since it had to be kept in good rentable condition. At least 60 years worth of junk fills the basement and attic and both garages.. and living spaces


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
You have so much strength in your body and mind. I wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut Re your SiL. I'd have soon given her work to do. I have great admiration for you and rick.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Your SIL sounds a lot like one of mine, wonder if they both belong to the same Professional Victims club.  
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Your SIL sounds a lot like one of mine, wonder if they both belong to the same Professional Victims club.  
Very possible! Maybe they're the officers! 

We're fine. Well, I am (I think). I'm a little worried about Rick sometimes. He's had so much to deal with since his dad passed away and it's been very stressful for him. He's dealing with some pretty serious issues as far as that house and all the filth in it; he never realized just how bad things were and I think it's a combination of complete disgust with his parents and then guilt on his part. He kept telling his dad for years that he (his dad) needed to do something with the basement and his dad didn't care. Had they kept up with even routine home maintenance, his mother would be getting a lot more for that house, that's for sure. As it is, well, there's nothing we can do for her.

His mother is in assisted living now and that's good. But she chose the most expensive facility in the area and, while that's fine for now, when her money runs out, she'll then have to go into a nursing home. She's not going to get the money she's expecting for that house; it's just not going to happen. And then I don't know what she'll do. She is very upset right now and that's not helping Rick either. We certainly don't have extra money lying around to give to her. 

Yesterday we were walking around in the basement up there. Suddenly he stopped me and pulled me into a big hug. And he said, "Pam, thank you for being my helper. I don't know how I could have done this by myself." And essentially, it's been him and me throughout all of it.

So I'm a little worried about Rick.

LTS3, you're going to have quite the job ahead of you, that's for sure.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Once her money has run out and she can apply for Medicaid, I'm pretty sure they'll cover assisted living too. It's MUCH cheaper than a nursing home so I don't know why they wouldn't. I know several people on Medicaid who are in an assisted living facility, although the policies may vary by state. She may not be able to stay in that particular facility though, if they don't accept Medicaid.

Wow, so much to do, you're amazing!


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
The nicer places tend to not accept MCAID.  MCAID only pays a very small portion of the bill and the facility has to write the rest off.  The really good facilities don't accept it because they can stay reasonably full with residents who are paying the full freight.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
We were able to get my MIL into a place that accepted Medicaid.  It wasn't luxury accommodations, but it was very nice, clean, well run, and the staff was wonderful to her.  I don't know your area, but it may be possible to find her a nice place that will accept Medicaid. 

But one step at a time--getting the house finished up and sold.  


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I believe both my Grandparents have had medicaid assistance to pay for their nursing home and assisted living.  (I know Gram did.)  The nursing home is in an old building and not fancy; but the care was good!  Grandpa was one of the first 15 people to move into the assisted living facility opened last year by the some company that owns the nursing home.  It's brand new so it's very nice.  It's not as fancy as some; but they gave it a rustic theme since it was built on an old farm (using timbers from the barn and things.)  I think there are more expensive places; but being brand new has advantages.  The staff seems good too.  We visited last month and when we were walking out one of the nurses who was leaving also asked if I was Sue's daughter.  Sue is my Aunt.  
  But that made me feel good.  

I'm sorry Rick's sister is such a pain.  I don't know what i'd do. You can't change her but you've got to save your sanity in it all too.  I hope you are able to put this behind you sooner rather than later. 


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
LTS3, you're going to have quite the job ahead of you, that's for sure.
Yup and so not looking forward to dealing with all of it
None of my siblings nor I want the house or have the financial means to fix it up in any way so it'll have to be sold as a major fixer upper in "as is condition" to someone who has extremely deep pockets to tear it down (after taking care of the lead paint and asbestos and other hazards) and rebuild it.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Winchester Winchester Your sister in law sounds like a carbon copy of my sister. She loves to watch people work.

I hope you and Rick soon get to the end. I would do same as you and tackle only what I a necessity for the realtor to put the house for sale. Good luck.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I think I would sell it as a tear down.  I know your MIL won't like that but I really don't think putting all the work in on cosmetic things is going to make much difference in what the house sells for.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I've been involved with cleaning out / selling 2 different homes for senior family members. It's not easy or fun.

If I'm right in guessing your mother-in-law grew up during or shortly after the depression, that might explain the never throwing things away and "hoarding" of cleaning and other supplies. People who grew up during that era, always wanted to have a supply ready in case shortages happened again. At least that's what I've noticed with a lot of seniors.

Anyway, good luck with the house.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick is starting to think of selling it as a tear-down, too. I was surprised on Saturday when he told me that.

Our son came up on Saturday and took his things home.

A local recycling/second-hand organization is coming in on Wednesday to pick up the remaining items. Rick took our old computer (minus the hard drive), printer, a couple of old microwaves, vacuum cleaners, an old lawn mower, etc. up to the garage so the organization could take those items, too. We had to pay to get rid of some of the stuff, but it was worth it in the long run. At that point, the only remaining items in the house will be those things that Rick is taking. We just need to get up there and bring those things home.

His sister is still dickering with us about removing the carpet and painting. Rick and I are holding our ground, esp now that he's thinking tear-down. She is really angry with us and can't believe that we aren't willing to help his mother. We think we've done enough. As Rick told her again yesterday, had it not been for Rick and me, we wouldn't be even this far along. And enough is enough. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
totally agree. Very familiar with people who love to watch others do the work but then make a fuss when I can't help them because I am too tired doing my own life. Hats off to you.
 Honestly stand your ground. Most people nowadays want everything updated. So sell it as is and let the new people deal with it. Who knows? Maybe a young family will buy it and do the renos with time and money. You have done ENOUGH! Do you guys have caller ID? Don't answer when she calls. She will get over it.