My cat is Satan himself, I need help!!!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
The way it's written insinuates that Bradshaw said this as well.

Please provide links to the sites where you received this information.  No reputable site that I'm aware of has ever mentioned this technique.
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TCS Member
Jan 13, 2014
This forum is rejecting any and all links I've tried to paste. So I cannot give you a link. Just search for advice on how to stop a cat from biting and you will find it.

As for the part about Bradshaw, it has nothing to do with  the biting.  I only mentioned him because someone mentioned that cats never think of you as another cat. but in fact they do.   If you look for some news articles about that you will find those around as well.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I have tried and have not found one single instance of this recommendation on any reputable feline site.  Since anyone can create a website and call it "Vet Advice", I would take that with a grain of salt unless it comes from one of the well known websites such as ASPCA,  

IMHO and many others, biting a cat falls under the category of a human behaving aggressively to them.  See this from the ASPCA:
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I cannot ever imagine biting my cat.  There would never ever be an instance where this would be acceptable.  If my vet told me this, I would be walking right out the door.  Can you imagine how the poor cat would feel having its trusted human companion bite it?  That is not a form of behavior I would want to engage in. 

If you cat is biting you need to step back and look to what is provoking this behavior.  Many times using hands as play starts the process.  It is fun to put your hands under a blanket and have the cat attack or pounce.  Yet the cat does not know the difference between your arm/hand and something else that is moving under a blanket.  Also some cats have a very low tolerance for being handled or pet.  One of my indoor boys can only handle a few strokes.  If you do not heed his warming signs, he will try to bite or strike with his paws.  Yet respecting his boundaries instead of provoking him is the key. 

There are many humane ways of dealing with a cat biting, pawing or scratching.  I would suggest reading the article above on Cat aggression and what you can do as well as taking a look at Jackson Galaxy's website.  He offers great advice on dealing with difficult cats. 


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
A little bit but still bites and scratches quite a bit. He has started learning what the word no and a finger pointed at him mean though.
How are things going now?  It sounds like you had made a bit of progress using some of the earlier advice provided in your thread.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
This forum is rejecting any and all links I've tried to paste. So I cannot give you a link. Just search for advice on how to stop a cat from biting and you will find it.
Please refrain from getting off onto your own topic in another member's thread. You may start your own thread on the subject - and I would suggest the In My Opinion Forum.--> We will not debate the subject of biting ones cat any further here in this thread.
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  • #50


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
I think my cat is the spawn of Satan. That's why he is acting like this I do believe.


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
I think my cat is the spawn of Satan. That's why he is acting like this I do believe.
Hi again
 What have you been trying? Have you been able to get him more toys and play with him using some interactive toys? Have you considered getting him a sturdier scratching post?


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
How have you been interacting with your cat recently, since stopping the things like spraying and slaps?  You say he has been learning about what 'no' means, and a pointing finger?  When have you used this with him, is it if he bites or scratches you, at other times, or with anything he does which you are unhappy about like climbing on counters or clawing furniture?

And like Tulosai asks, have you managed to find new toys, or playing chase games or anything with him to use up some of his kitten energy?  My cat was a wound up spring waiting to explode (and bite) as a young kitten if he didn't have someone play with him several hours a day.  If he was 'played out' he was really good. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 11, 2013
Newcastle United Kingdom
Hi angel wings I want to share some advice I recently got from MServant about my girl lilly
who also like your boy was a biter and a bit of a devil spawn demon herself. She was full of energy so first thing we started was regular play time 2-3 times a say with sisal mice fabric mice wand toys (until my daughter snaped the wand haha
)  and then another was letting her come to us for her lovings
 we never pet her now when she is playing sleeping or like wise. She gives us clues normally head bumping, purring in my ear or lying next to us and kneading against our legs sides.Also she often tells me when shes through with being loved on her purring gets louder and a lot more throaty and she turns her head and gently catches me with her teeth no pressure like a real bite but letting me feel her teeth as if to say 'feel these bad boys they do damage and I've had enough don't make me use them'. Try watching your kitty's behaviour you'll soon pick up on his mannerisims and what he likes and dislikes with regards to play and petting.

Many vibes for you and your boy and I hope you see some improvement soon 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 8, 2013
Watch the tail too. When it starts switching, it's usually best to back off as well.

Eventually, backing off when they become nervous does breed more trust and things get better.
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  • #55


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hi again
 What have you been trying? Have you been able to get him more toys and play with him using some interactive toys? Have you considered getting him a sturdier scratching post?
I've tried playing him on a more regular basis. I've tried spraying him with water which doesn't really work because he doesn't seem to mind it. I tried spanking him but as I have found out from experience and multiple people that's counter-productive. I have tried saying "No" when he bites and scratches and pointing at him while I say it and that I thought was working for a little while but now it just makes him want to attack my hand more. I did get him some more toys. Plus now he has the toys that were at my place since I am not with my ex boyfriend anymore. He has multiple fishing poll toys and no matter how much we play with him he still has a ton of energy and will still attack us. I say "we" and "us" because my boyfriend comes over a lot and has tried to get him to stop biting too. He also has a perfectly sturdy scratching post that sits against the wall which we have catnip spray and we spray it on that and his toys but we found out that might be doing the opposite of what we want. We also got this liquid stuff we are supposed to put in his water from Petsmart. It's called "Calm down" made by Whisker City and it's supposed to work for nervous or stressed cats. We are hoping that will help. Otherwise if it doesn't, we might consider taking him to the vet and getting him on some type of prescription for cats mental issues like Prozac. And if that doesn't work we are just going to take him back to HALO animal rescue and possibly get another cat. I don't want to do that because I really do love ACE but he is a demon and I can't deal with being bit and scratched all the time and looking like I cut myself all the time.
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  • #56


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
How have you been interacting with your cat recently, since stopping the things like spraying and slaps?  You say he has been learning about what 'no' means, and a pointing finger?  When have you used this with him, is it if he bites or scratches you, at other times, or with anything he does which you are unhappy about like climbing on counters or clawing furniture?

And like Tulosai asks, have you managed to find new toys, or playing chase games or anything with him to use up some of his kitten energy?  My cat was a wound up spring waiting to explode (and bite) as a young kitten if he didn't have someone play with him several hours a day.  If he was 'played out' he was really good. 
We have been playing with him more but he still bites us. We say "no" and point a finger at him for anything he does that we don't like. I thought he was learning from it but as I stated to someone else he seems to be just wanting to bite me more when I point a finger at him when he is biting me. Other times when he is not biting he listens to the word "No" for the most part though. Also, like I already said we have been playing with him in all ways we can think of and it does nothing. The cat is really mean he will just come up to us and start biting us for no reason. Sometimes he will come to cuddle and then be like "Oh, now I'm going to bite you". I'm at my wits end with this cat.
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  • #57


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hi angel wings I want to share some advice I recently got from MServant about my girl lilly
who also like your boy was a biter and a bit of a devil spawn demon herself. She was full of energy so first thing we started was regular play time 2-3 times a say with sisal mice fabric mice wand toys (until my daughter snaped the wand haha
)  and then another was letting her come to us for her lovings
 we never pet her now when she is playing sleeping or like wise. She gives us clues normally head bumping, purring in my ear or lying next to us and kneading against our legs sides.Also she often tells me when shes through with being loved on her purring gets louder and a lot more throaty and she turns her head and gently catches me with her teeth no pressure like a real bite but letting me feel her teeth as if to say 'feel these bad boys they do damage and I've had enough don't make me use them'. Try watching your kitty's behaviour you'll soon pick up on his mannerisims and what he likes and dislikes with regards to play and petting.

Many vibes for you and your boy and I hope you see some improvement soon 
He will bite for no reason so really there is not much we can do. He comes up to us all the time for no reason and starts biting.
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  • #58


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Watch the tail too. When it starts switching, it's usually best to back off as well.

Eventually, backing off when they become nervous does breed more trust and things get better.
His tail switches all the time. So what are we supposed to do just never associate with him? What's the point having a cat then?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 8, 2013
First of all, from what I've seen here, things didn't start out well from the beginning.  And by spanking him, you probably made it worse because now he's afraid of you.  He's going to bite you before you hit him to protect himself.

It also sounds to me like you are angry and resentful, and also impatient and if your boyfriend feels the same way, the cat senses it and is scared as well.

And bringing him back and forth may not be the best idea either right now.

You are never giving the cat a chance to feel safe and secure. 

And if you see him as satan, he's' going to act like satan.

Because you made the situation worse, you probably have to back off and start all over and get him to trust you.

You need to get more wand toys and keep them in both places.

And you need to answer the following question honestly...

Do you think the cat is biting you out of aggression, to hurt you or keep you away, or do you think the cat is biting out of playfulness (all kittens learn to bite by playing, some never grow out of it or aren't taught to).

Because depending on the answer to that question, the strategies you'd take to stop the behavior are different.

I also would not recommend biting then cat back for a lot of reasons, one very important one would be not getting hurt yourself.

Answer that question honestly and then I can tell you what my opinion is about what to do. 

PS:  Stop shaking your fingers at him.  That's an aggressive gesture and he's reacting to that as well.  Anything like that near his face will be seen as aggression.

Start by putting your hands towards him palm up, coming in from under his chin.  You need to be patient since he needs to learn to trust.  All you are teaching him now is that hands are to be feared.
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
His tail switches all the time. So what are we supposed to do just never associate with him? What's the point having a cat then?
The above poster, Deborahlee, may be on to something here. It is in my opinion as well that your kitty knows he is not really understood and feels the resentment towards him. We can't hide those inner feelings from our pets, they just know. Also, carting him back and forth from you place to your bf's place is not a good idea at all while you are trying to settle him into a new home, life and environment. He is confused, and feeling quite stressed. If his tail is swishing all the time, then that is a sign of confusion, agitation and possibly feeling very insecure OR he is unwell and needs to be checked.

I think there is a lot going on in his little head and he needs much more stability than he is receiving and a lot more patience. You have only had him a couple of months if that and he has been mishandled, carted from place to place and has been scolded consistently. Might this not be the right kitty for you and your bf? Part of me gets the feeling you don't want a cat at all, especially this one. He knows this. :(

I have one cat who is easily overstimulated and is quite aggressive at times with biting. I know the signs and have learned how to redirect his attention onto something else. To deflate the oncoming bite or slash. Cats are all different with greatly varying personalities and limits.

In your situation, though, I think the underlying problem is instability, insecurity and feeling a bit scared. Things only you can change for him. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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