Socializing a feral cat.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
Hi Cathy,

Tiger is just beautiful!  And doing so well.  I know how you feel about the vaccuming!  My kitties hide under the bed while I vaccum their room,  after a while,  they come back out again.  I am sure Tige will get used to it.  Keep up the good progress and the updates.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
 I talked to a lady that told me with feral cats you can put them right back outside the day after surgery. 
Yes, that is more or less true.

the big point is, ferales, semiferales and the succesfull dumped, survivors and thus - are made of tough wood. If they arent of tough wood, they wouldnt be any longer, they would succumb at latest in the first winter.   Like all these do with unluck or not of tough wood...

Thus, they do also heal better than average.

Next factor is, TNR spaying  is done at the flank, and should be done with  self resolving stiches...

That is why it is usually possible to release the females after 24 hours if they seem OK, and the males almost immediately, as soon they have wakened up and not so groggy any longer.
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  • #43


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Hello again everyone!  Just an update on Tiger. For

some reason he has reverted back again and he won't come near me.  I don't know if it's because of my vacuuming the other day, or something I did that I'm not aware of or if it's just one of those one step forwards 3 steps back someone mentioned before. I try not to get down about it, but I'm sure you probably understand, it is very disappointing.  I took a nap on the bed in his room yesterday thinking it would get him more used to me being around and I don't think he liked my feet moving around on the bed above him, he hissed when I moved. Maybe that was it. And I also went in early last night with a treat I brought home from a restaurant for him and thats not a normal time for me to go in his room. I gave him a few pieces of left over medium cooked beef and he devoured it, out of my hand, but he also slapped at me. He was more jumpy than usual.  I only stayed in there for as long as it took me to give him his treat.  Then today....he wouldn't come near me. I held out my hand with a little canned chicken (cat food he likes) and he tagged my hand really good with his claw.  Need another pep talk guys!  Or tell me if I did something wrong so I can fix it.  Should I go in there more often where I just sit in there and don't interact with him? Should I try to intereract with him more?  Should I sleep in the bed in there at night with him? I can do that if it you think it's a good thing.  Is it bad to go in there after dark and turn the light on?  Sorry I'm asking so many questions but thats the only way to learn.  Could use some more advice my new cat friends!    
.       Thanks!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 12, 2012
I think you're doing everything right. Frustrating yes, but soooo worth it when he trusts you. When you are in there to interact, do you sit on the floor? Or in a chair? When you are on the floor you are more at his level ~ plus you look less threatening to him. Try that for awhile see if it helps. I found with our Calie, we have to announce when we are going to turn the light on. If we don't, she takes off under the bed for a few hours. As we are walking to the room she is in, we always say ~ "Turning on the lights Calie". That way, if she is asleep, she will wake up & not get startled by the light turning on. Just a couple of things that we had to do when we 1st got our Calie. But you are doing great now.  
     You didn't do anything to set him back though. It's just par for the course I think. Keep up the good work. Every day he is inside & not bouncing off the walls trying to get out is another day closer to possibly being a lap kitty. I need to put our Calie's story on here in the feral stray section one of these days. I see Calie in alot of the posts I read. I am so glad I found this site. And so happy to see you here mieshasmom    


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
Don't get discouraged, Cathy, you are still making great progress. He will be fine. They do like a routine, I have found, just like our house cats.

Sometimes it can't be helped because of schedules, but if you can find times to go in that are consistent, that may help. I know my group is ready to play every evening. If I go in even an hour earlier, they are just not as interested. And I find I look forward to it too, everything I needed to accomplish around the house is done, and I can just go in and enjoy them.

Just embrace every little victory with Tiger, and remind yourself you are saving him and working toward giving him a wonderful life.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
Don't get discouraged, Cathy, you are still making great progress. He will be fine. They do like a routine, I have found, just like our house cats.

Sometimes it can't be helped because of schedules, but if you can find times to go in that are consistent, that may help. I know my group is ready to play every evening. If I go in even an hour earlier, they are just not as interested. And I find I look forward to it too, everything I needed to accomplish around the house is done, and I can just go in and enjoy them.

Just embrace every little victory with Tiger, and remind yourself you are saving him and working toward giving him a wonderful life.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Aw Cathy :hugs: PEP TALK :clap::clap::clap: Tiger WILL WILL come around again. This IS totally normal behavior, absolutely normal. If is it not the vacuum cleaner, then it will be something else that he just has to learn to deal with and live with. Everything is going to be new to him, everything. He has to learn and live with the daily going's on in the household. You can't never vacuum again :lol3: It will be alright. I had many a cat retreat back into their "safe" zone for a few days. But then they come back out and seem to be a little farther along than before. Then another set-back - something new will scare him. We still don't know his true personality anyway yet. Absolutely, spend more and more time in that room with Tiger. Just go back to square one and I think you will see some progress quickly. Keep your slept in t-shirt in his bed.................. better yet - you mentioned sleeping in that room!!! I would and have done that before. That will help very much. Remember - Tiger is older and the progress you have made so far is outstanding and astonishing IMO. Really, things ARE going very, very well. Keep positive and thinking that way all the time. Enjoy this process - it is very, very rewarding and exciting when they make those baby steps towards trusting. Just lavish in those little moments :heart3: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:

p.s. Keep a night light in that room - believe me, Tiger can see much better than you in the dark. But the night light will help.... :)
p.s.s. I can't stand it :lol2: HE IS SO DARN CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :heart3: I adore his chunky face :lol3:
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  • #48


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Thanks my Friends!! 
.  It really helps me to  get your reasurances when I have bad days!  I hope you don't mind doing it again if I need it in the future. 
.  I'm on my own here, no help from anyone except all of you.  And it's very, very much appreciated!!!!  
.   Better day today....he came over to me for a pet 
 and we he played for quite a while with the fishing pole toy!  I had to stop because my arm and shoulder were getting numb!!  Thats a first....he's never played like that before.  A little but not like that! 

Teresa, I usually lay on the floor about 2 feet from his safe spot.  I tryed to sit up a couple times but he's much more comfortable with me laying down.  Yes, I'd love to read Callies please put it on a post!  I'm thrilled I found this site too!  So many wonderful people with lots of help.

KRZ, thank you too!  I think you are right about the schedule.Yesterday I went in an hour earlier than usual and he wasen't at all receptive. But who knows?!

And Lauren, your pep talk really, really helped!!  Thank you!  Yes, I have my used jammies in with him. I change it out every time I put clean ones on.  And I'm glad you think sleeping in the room might help!  I'm going to go change the bedding (he has dragged cat sand up there!!)  as soon as I'm done here and sleep there tonight.  He's going to do a lot of hissing when I do that though. Yesterday, I just straightened the bed up a little and he didn't like that at all!  His safe spot is right next to the bed.  I'll take some more pictures to show you.  And I also have a night light somewhere I'll put in there.  I'm getting excited again!  Thank you so much for that!!  And by the way....I think his chunky face is beautiful too!!!

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  • #49


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Well, it's 10:00 PM 
  and I'm in bed in Tigers room.  He's still in his safe spot, I've never seen him anyplace else!  But he does come out because his cat box is on the other side of the room and he uses it. He hissed a little bit as I was getting my computer set up and all my pillows and things arranged but he's settled back down again.  I sure hope this helps because this bed sure is not as comfortable as mine!! 
.  But my boy is worth it!  Well, goodnight everyone!  And goodnight Tiger!!! 


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
AW sweetie - please forgive me but I have to laugh :lol3: :bigmouth: The things we will put ourselves through for these little creatures!!!!!!!!!! Truly shows how much you love cats. That bed does sound uncomfortable - but a few nights here and there will do you no harm or very little harm :lol3: and will absolutely help Tiger to trust the "big scary monster" sleeping in the bed! It WILL work. Many people here on site have done the very same thing. It brings you to a whole new level with the feral kitties. If he jumps on the bed at night (it might not be tonight but who knows) it will be a very exciting time and nerve-wracking time for you. But stay still - freeze - don't move :lol2: Let him investigate the sleeping giant. :flail:

p.s. We are here for you day or night and will always be willing to give you the support you need - we don't mind one bit!!!!! Most of us have been through the exact same thing and we LOVE to share and offer suggestions and support :hugs: :clap: :D ;)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 4, 2011
Mr. Jinx was completely feral from everything I understand - he was totally terrified and it took me 6 months of outside pets and feedings to gain his trust enough. And when I brought him in, I still got swiped at and it was difficult. But now he is the most cuddly affectionate fuzzy face ever! We're best friends.

So it takes a while. One time while Jinx was still in the yard he ran off for 3 days because he was mad at something I did, but returned like nothing happened after. And when he didn't want to be bothered he'd tell me by walking away or retreating to his favorite bush. He still does this. When he's done, he sits on the floor. When he wants love, he's in my face.

And BTW, when I took him to the vet and asked how old he might be, the vet said somewhere between 8 & 12 YEARS.
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  • #52


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
New Tiger Update!!!!!     I slept in his room again last night and I woke up not to long after I fell asleep,  Tiger was laying next to me!!!  Close enough that I could reach out and pet him, which I did and he

loved it!!!! He even rolled over and showed me his belly while I was scratching his neck!  He stayed there all night.  I got up about 4 times and left the room and when I came back he was still there and allowed me to crawl back in bed without leaving and let me pet him each time!!  I'm so thrilled!!  And more good news on top of that, I caught Baby Kitty in the live trap last night and she has an appointment tomorrow morning to get fixed!  No Kittens!  Yeah!  MNSCAT was nice enough to really work to find someone who could squeeze her into their schedule!  I am so happy!  Things are falling into all the right places!  Good thing I caught Baby Kitty when I did....we got a big snow storm last night and it's really cold and snowy out there.  She's all cuddled up in a comfy quilt!  All you can see is her little head sticking out!  So it's a very good day!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
:woohoo: :banana1: :jive: :banana2: This IS worthy of a "banana" dance!!!! I am just beaming from ear to ear on this news. Everything is falling in place for you :clap::clap::clap:. You are WELL on your way to a wonderful, trusting relationship with Tiger !! :rub: :heart3: Makes sleeping in that uncomfortable bed worth it - right :D :happy3: :winkblue:

AND CONGRATS on BABY KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana1: :banana2: AWWW you got her just in time too - before the storm :hugs: :heart3: Keep the great reports coming :D :vibes: :D :vibes: :D :vibes:
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
Great news, Cathy!  What a great feeling when you have a break through with them!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Mr. Jinx was completely feral from everything I understand - he was totally terrified and it took me 6 months of outside pets and feedings to gain his trust enough. And when I brought him in, I still got swiped at and it was difficult. But now he is the most cuddly affectionate fuzzy face ever! We're best friends.

And BTW, when I took him to the vet and asked how old he might be, the vet said somewhere between 8 & 12 YEARS.
Mr Jinx, so what you are witnessing and telling here is even 10 years old, semiferale shy cats can be successfully fostered into loving pets?  

Even without them being really sick or in severe distress.

With time, patience, some skill and a little luck.      :)

BIG congrats!    *vibes*


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
     I slept in his room again last night and I woke up not to long after I fell asleep,  Tiger was laying next to me!!!  Close enough that I could reach out and pet him, which I did and he

loved it!!!! He even rolled over and showed me his belly while I was scratching his neck!  He stayed there all night.   I got up about 4 times and left the room and when I came back he was still there and allowed me to crawl back in bed without leaving and let me pet him each time!!  I'm so thrilled!!
THAT was extra impressing! Many loving residents do leave when Ma / Pa moves...

I guess Tiger did this wonder as cats are essentially night animals. At night they often dare more than daytime.

The night being here a Magic Time, when everything is possible.    :)

Congrats!    *vibes*
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  • #57


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Another update on my feral Kitties.....

Tiger is ignoring me again. After the night he slept with me the next morning after I left the room and came back in for our mid morning play session he was in his hidey box and he wouldn't come out. Not even for his treat. If he were human, I'd say he was playing me!! He finally came out to play, he can't resist that fish pole toy!  But he wouldn't let me pet him. And he hasen't yet and it's been what...2 days?  Although I can't really count today yet, I've been gone all day. I've got good news!

Baby Kitty......I trapped her Tuesday night and she had her surgery this morning.  They had to shave a big portion of her body because it was badly matted right down to the skin. The doctor said there were sticks and debri all tangled in her fur and she must have been in a lot of pain.  Well, when I brought her home, my Hubby was upstairs taking a nap.  She was still groggy so I wrapped her in a blanket and took her up to see him.  I showed him her naked body and he asked what I was going to do now that she couldn't be released out in the cold.  I just shrugged my shoulders and he said...."Well.....we had 4 big dogs at one time so whats 3 cats?"  Meaning....she's part of the family now too!!!! 
!!!! I have 2 cats to socialize. And I don't think Miesha is very happy with me! But anyway, the doctor said she doesn't think Baby is even a year old yet. And she's very skinny. But we caught her just in time because she was very much so in heat. Not pregnant yet but in heat. Hopefully because she's so young, she might be a little easier to socialize? What do you think? The Vet tech said before they put her under she wasen't fighting them at all. She was really easy to handle.  But thats what they said about Tiger too!  I think they're just parlayzed with fear at that point. But, lets keep our fingers crossed she will beeasier than Tiger.

Speaking of Tiger, I have to get up there and visit him or he's going to start to go backwards!!  Please....keep the advice and all the moral support coming! I'm really going to need it! 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2008
Well your hubby gets an extra hug tonight!,  wonderful news that baby girl can live inside too!  You must be so happy!  Do you think you could put tiger and baby girl in the same room?

I am so glad you got her and she will be part of the family.  And it is very promising you were able to hold her already.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I don't think that Baby is so feral :D... Even groggy, if she let you hold her in that blanket and walk around the house, that is a great sign. Congratulations on yet another family member :clap::clap::clap: Your hubby is a saint and so are you :heart3: for what you are doing. :lovegrin: I think you could even put Baby and Tiger together. It is possible that they already know each other. But let Baby recover first from her surgery. You could even keep her in a large crate in Tigers room for a couple of days. That way she can recover quietly AND, Tiger and Baby can get to know each other safely without interaction yet. So glad that everything is going so well. Remember, there will be some days that Tiger will take a few backward steps in this process. Do not worry.... Tiger IS making huge strides and you are doing a beautiful job :clap: :hugs: ;)
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  • #60


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2012
Good Saturday evening all my Kitty Friends!  I figured out why Tiger has been so scared and stand offish this past week.  Someone suggested I use a Feliway electrict defuser to help in socializing him so I sent for one.  His wierd behavior started after I put it in his room.  So I took it out of his room a couple of days ago and his behavior is back to normal!! 
.   So...I don't think it works well with all cats.  He's playing again and letting me pet him again. The only problem I'm having is last night I slept in his room again and he demanded attention. He wanted to be petted. But he gets so ruff!! He'll grab my hand with claws out to hold it where he wants it and it really hurts!! You should see my hands!  Is there a way of teaching a cat not to use his claws like that?  I certainly don't want to do the wrong thing and make him afraid of my hands.  Could use some advice on this one!!!
. I'm also thinking it's time to put up some sort of see through door on his room so he can see and smell whats going on outside his room.  What do you think?  I'm either going to make one or try to jerry-rig a childs gate sideways to cover the whole door.  Any good suggestions?

And Baby girl is coming along.  She's still really scared but at least I can pet her and she doesn't hiss and spit like Tiger did. I still have her in the big crate. I've got it in our family room so she can see and here us.  I hate keeping her in there though, but I don't have a room other than Tigers room and he's so big and fierce it scares me to put her in with him.  She's so tiny and scared.  I'm hoping she'll come around and Miesha will get to know and accept her.Then I'll just let her out in the whole house.  So far when Miesha sees her she hisses at her.  Poor Baby Kitty.  Any advice on this problem?   I REALLY NEED SOME GOOD ADVICE EVERYONE!!!!   PLEASE ALL PITCH IN WITH YOUR GOOD ADVICE FROM ALL OF YOUR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE!!!!!   IT WILL BE DEEPLY APPRECIATED!!!!!    Well it's getting late for this old lady so I better be heading for bed.  Hope to here from you soon.  I'll see if I can get some pictures of my little Baby Kitty and post them tomorrow.  Good night All!!!     

                                                                                                                                                       Your Friend......Cathy        