Emotional roller coaster ride. If there is anything that did not go wrong it our attempts to rescue a cat family, I can not think what it could be.

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  • #81


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 4, 2022
We have been through this before. Foo did not like having Mia around at all and Mia wanted nothing more than to be with her. Mia too was a rescued kitten. She and her siblings were rescued by a colleague of my wife’s who was suddenly transferred. (Well, not actually him, but it is a long story.) They could not bring the kittens with them and we adopted one of them thinking Foo would like the companionship during our long workdays away from home. I think Foo has never forgiven us.

As we are planning on going camping these next two weekends and think it best for Hoki to not be returned to his cage, the doors are now open to him for all rooms. He was excited to leave the living room but quickly returned. The foyer, stairs and upstairs hallway did not offer much of interest it seems. He has not figured out that there is a cat door through which he could enter Foo’s and Mia’s private space, the master bedroom.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Some cats seem to like the area into which they were first introduced. I have one like that who has never left a bedroom area despite all doors inside being open.
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  • #83


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 4, 2022
With our plans to go camping this weekend and the next, I thought it best to allow Hoki to roam freely through t most of the house. We kept our bedroom door shut hoping Foo or Mia would not give up the secret of the cat door to him. My son was worried when he saw Hoki on the stairs. “Dad! Hoki is out of the livingroom!“, he shouted upon his return form school. Later that night, as my wife was bringing laundry downstairs and in our doorway, Hoki went in the bedroom. Foo just stared at him, so we just let what may happen happen.

Foo is completely Okay with Hoki, except when he acts the fool. Which, he being a 4 month old kitten, is often. Unless he is play attacking her, she does care if he is near or far. But he does “attack” her often which elicits a Halloween cat like hiss.

Today, Mia stared stalking him. When he realizes, he moves towards her which causes her to puff out her fur and hiss, but nit as much as before. As with Foo when we brought Mia home, Mia’s personality has changed. She is acting towards Hoki as Foo did towards her.

We left the doors open until my wife and I went to bed, giving Hoki free run of the place. Even though he could have slept anywhere, on his own he choose to sleep with our son. To say we were and are happy fails to capture the depth of the emotions we felt and feel. We now have 3 cats and each of us is the prime human for our a different cat. My son and Mia used to be close but as he has he grew older, Mia grew afraid of him. He has been heart broken. All are elated that Hoki has taken to him.
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  • #84


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 4, 2022
Some cats seem to like the area into which they were first introduced. I have one like that who has never left a bedroom area despite all doors inside being open.
I think in his case, it was just not up to expectations. He already was familiar with my son’e room. The only new areas are the foyer and the staircase. Oh, and the upstairs hallway. He has since been in our bedroom too but prefers my son’s room.
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  • #85


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 4, 2022
I enjoyed reading the latest escapades of your cats and am glad to hear about Hoki's freedom. Mia will come around; I have had introductions which I thought were going to be impossible, but it all worked out.
Foo was very unhappy when we brought Mia home. Not long after, we were able to put both in the same travel cage. Foo is not always happy to have Mia around, but usually is not too upset either. She has already accepted Hoki. Mia is changing. She now stalks Hoki instead of trying to escape from hI’m. She slap no longer hiss every time he flys past here. Just now, she walked up to him and hissed. Until today, she would not move in his general direction. I think you are coerect. She’ll come around.
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  • #86


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 4, 2022
Long overdue update.

When it had cooled off enough to allow for sleeping with the window open but not yet too chilly to do so, I was awakened by the same horrible sound that I had mistaken for the lethal attack on the gray kitten. It was already obvious that it was not as she turned up some time later and was caught. Whatever the sound is, it went on for much longer this time than when I first heard it. While my wife and I were eating lunch the next day, we heard it again. It had awakened her the night before too. She had never heard anything like that before either and she too thought that it was a bird at first. All three came from the same spot on the neighbor’s jungle of a yard.

Hoki, aka “The Brown Monster” is no longer a sickly flea bag and now weighs over 5 kilograms! His paws are monstrous as are his ears and he is now twice the size of his sisters. He is a giant but a gentle one. Even when all wound up playing he has yet to break the skin. Wish Mia would learn from him on this point. There are no visible indications of the fungal infections that I had to treat twice a day.

He is an affectionate cat. He often climbs into my son’s lap as he does his homework. He now jumps up onto my son’s bunk bed an climbs under the covers. Our son has started his cram school so we ought him a desk which has integrated shelves. Hoki sits on one of these shelves as our son does his homework. Pretty much follows him everywhere. The 22nd of February is “cat day” in Japan, those who know the language can probably guess why if they do not already know. We are on the way to the pet store to buy new cat toys for Mia and Hoki for their upcoming day.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
It is very kind of you to let us know what is happening and we are glad to hear from you at any time. This has been quite a saga for all of you.
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  • #90


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 4, 2022
Long long long over due update. I knew I would not be able to post on the actual day, but with great effort I was able to photograph Hoki on the one year anniversary of his rescue. Here is a phot taken at that time.

He looks little different now, 10 months later. Still my son’s best buddy. A gentle giant.
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  • #93


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 4, 2022
Very friendly too, though he does not like the kitten I rescued a week ago.