Recent Content by di and bob

  1. di and bob

    My little Pumpkin died today

    Me too. That moment would be at the top of the list. Thank you both for understanding…….
  2. di and bob

    my cat isn't bonded with me anymore?

    That is so, when my husband sits in my chair, the cats are on him.
  3. di and bob

    My little Pumpkin died today

    I am better than I was, but guilt will always be there. I went across the street to get the mail. I knew she was out, but just saw her in the back yard. I turned around to the terrible sound of her getting hit. The car didn’t stop but my world did……
  4. di and bob

    Question of the Day, Sunday, June 2nd

    My mother was terrified of drowning, so she made suer all of us kids had swimming lessons. I made it to lifeguard status but really never enjoyed swimming. I haven't been in the water for probably 40 years, even though we lived on a lake. I had to clean up some dead fish that were almost as long...
  5. di and bob

    Pretty sure my cat is pregnant

    Sounds like you are ready! Please keep us updated, or post if you need any help!
  6. di and bob

    kittens died at 2 weeks old

    I was thinking either genetic (but in that case, STILL unusual for them to die almost at the same time) or distemper, which almost always kills young kittens quickly. I am so sorry, RIP precious ones.......
  7. di and bob

    Now Samantha might have liver problems??

    I’m so happy to hear that. Bless her little heart. You need a break. I pray it continues for a good long time!
  8. di and bob

    What Should You Be Doing Instead Of Being On TCS?

    Yuck, not good choices! I should be weeding the front flower bed, it is time to take one at a time and get them done. Sigh, time to get started!
  9. di and bob

    Teeth Extractions and Litterbox

    I agree, try to get another litter box somewhere, she may be stressed from the surgery and refusing to go where the new kitty smells are. If she is peeing and pooping NEAR the box, that means she wants to use it but something is preventing her. Changes in litter induces this too.
  10. di and bob

    Featured Can my pregnancy be affecting my kitty?

    Cats are very sensitive to smells, and she most likely is sensing/smelling your pregnancy hormones. If she seems normal except for the meowing, that is good. She most likely wants to be reassured by you that you are alright because of all the changes, not only in the household but also in you...
  11. di and bob

    Cat ate Jaxon Galaxy puzzle feeder nib! Advice needed.

    I am sure Jackson Galaxy toys would be nontoxic and safe, and it is smoth plastic, so it should be passed safely. Just monitor them both and as long as they keep eating/drinking/using the litterbox, everything should be fine. if one seems to be distressed and stops eating, get them in right...
  12. di and bob

    my cat isn't bonded with me anymore?

    Oh it's still there, he just picked SO as his number one. Cats bond with usually one person more and no one knows how they choose.....that doesn't mean he isn't bonded with you, he loves you too. You are doing nothing wrong, it is just another strange way cats have about them. Even parents of...
  13. di and bob

    Question of the Day, Saturday, June 1

    It's hard to choose between tacos adn coffee. It would have to be coffee then for number one, I am addicted.......:paperbag:
  14. di and bob

    Dental issues in senior cat w/ heart murmur

    Knowing about the heart problems is half the battle for surgery, they will be ready for anything that pops up. a heart murmur is very common in elderly cats, and elderly humans!
  15. di and bob

    Tigger's back at the vet in the morning

    I'll pray that her, stomach problems are no fun......maybe the lung infection being cured changed the way she now smells things and she can enjoy the catmint!