Recent Content by Alldara

  1. Alldara

    Thoughts on an overnight cage cage/bedroom?

    Magnus's foster mum did that for the boys. We don't do that. But I know many who close their cats from their bedrooms at night. I used to when I was a child too! They look so cozy in there. Seems like it's their safe space.
  2. Alldara

    new cat introduction

    If you have a bathroom with a door that closes, you can do proper intros 😸 You'll need to slow down the intros for your boy. He's showing signs of stress. It's also okay to intro them separately. If you're younger one is more comfortable, she might be able to split her time with both cats...
  3. Alldara

    my cat isn't bonded with me anymore?

    Also to consider is where your SO sits. I usually sit on one spot of the couch. I get a lot of Ghost cuddles. But if we switch, my wife gets Ghost cuddles.
  4. Alldara

    By-products and meal!

    Thanks. I'm comfortable with what I feed my cats. My post was not personal. Just a gentle reminder as its easy to get caught up in what we consider healthy and forget the human aspects of ability. I went with a very expensive brand when I was younger due to this. This boutique brand was...
  5. Alldara

    New kitten, resident cats very grumpy and seem sad

    It's really early days right now! It sounds to me like you're taking the introduction way too fast for your oldest cat. Two weeks is a general minimum length of time, not the goal :) I've never let my cats in and out, but we have seen that make intros take more time, just FYI. Take a look...
  6. Alldara

    Help! My cats are a little chunky... (I think)

    Personally, I also recommend Purina. They are the only pet food that has a completed longitudinal study on their food that is publically published. You want to feed them about 20 calories per day per pound. I really recommend if you can afford it to feed at least the ratio of 1 can per day...
  7. Alldara

    Beginner cat nutrition help?

    As for seasonal allergies, you can raise her food up. About the height of a cereal box on the side. I use boxes frequently because I can toss them when they are dirty. You can use IQ Air website to check pollen levels in your area and if you have internal air systems you can keep windows closed...
  8. Alldara

    Beginner cat nutrition help?

    In regards to food, you aren't finding a lot @Marshmallow_kitty because research on foods for healthy cats is still very much in progress. The only longitudinal (long term) study for healthy cats with no underlying conditions that's accessible to the public is one by Purina, that published...
  9. Alldara

    By-products and meal!

    I just want to add that regardless of what anyone thinks about what is or is not "good" in animal food, affordability and accessibility plays a big role in what people feed their pets. Not to mention, what the pet itself is willing to eat. @Caspers Human already said what I would say...
  10. Alldara

    Teeth Extractions and Litterbox

    It would make sense if it's medical if the repetition is after a stressful event. If it's not an infection, it might be FLUTD which is stress related bladder inflammation that causes pain and sometimes litterbox aversion as a result. Wonderful re the litters! Let us know how it goes.
  11. Alldara

    Teeth Extractions and Litterbox

    Did you do a urinary test at the vet? You can't assume behavioural without ruling out medical first. That's extremely dangerous with urinary issues. Having surgery AND a new cat is a lot of stress. Stress leads to urinary issues in cats. The rule for litter boxes is one per cat plus one. Your...
  12. Alldara

    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    He's pretty wonderful.
  13. Alldara

    The dilemma of care vs trauma

    I think that could work. Would an extra day or two of gabapentin help do you think?
  14. Alldara

    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    He's not a lap cat but he loves kisses on his little nose and head. Now he gives us kisses on our foreheads or noses too 🥺🥹🥺🥹🥺 He also does like to be walked around over my shoulder like a little baby. He is simultaneously the least cuddly and most affectionate cat we've ever had.
  15. Alldara

    New cat introduction... Weird

    It's really only been a couple of weeks and yes a vet visit can disturb a cat's settling in progress. She needs time. Keep playing with her and building her confidence by bonding with her.