Search Results

  1. FeebysOwner

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    I hope others can come along and offer you some suggestions about how to 'retrain' your cat. I am out of suggestions. I will check in from time to time to see how you progress. Best wishes to you and your baby.
  2. FeebysOwner

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    See bellow. .
  3. FeebysOwner

    Cats and cucumbers

    Stupid is as stupid does.
  4. FeebysOwner

    Cats and cucumbers

    An interesting thought! But, I think every cat is different, just as humans are. They are affected by their backgrounds, and they have individual preferences, sometimes for reasons unbeknown to us. There are many things that can scare one cat and not another. I have accidentally dropped a...
  5. FeebysOwner

    Pooped on chair

    Has she used the litter box for peeing? There could be so many reasons. Was the poop harder than usual, or little balls of poop instead of what is considered the normal logs? Litter box(es) not recently cleaned out or in need of a complete change of the litter? Your mother on a new medication or...
  6. FeebysOwner

    Ear cleaner solution

    Could it be a yeast infection? I don't think routine cleaning of cats' 'ears is necessary, at least not until you rule out other things. In A Cat's Ear: Understanding The Cat Ear Yeast Infection - Cat Bytes (
  7. FeebysOwner

    Bonded Sisters still hissing/swatting randomly

    They do seem to be trying to work it out among themselves. I think that for you own peace of mind that you separate them when you are away from the house, but let them be together when you are present. You can always intervene if you think it is necessary, but I am thinking you won't really find...
  8. FeebysOwner

    Should I be concerned about muscle atrophy?

    Wouldn't 2ml roughly come out to 1,000 to 2,000 mg, depending on the medium???
  9. FeebysOwner

    Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    Very interesting! I have never heard of most of what you were told, but then again, every vet can be different, so who knows. If I were you, though, I'd call around to other locations and see what they say, just for some points of reference. You can also take a look at this site for their...
  10. FeebysOwner

    Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    Makes total sense to me!! Felimazole is a coated, rounded pill, so it can make it a tad bit harder to crush, but I do it for Feeby. Since she is on a lower dose (1.875mg AM/1.25mg PM), there is no way I could deal with methimazole.
  11. FeebysOwner

    Should I be concerned about muscle atrophy?

    Are you sure it is only 2mg of gabapentin? I realize that the dosage can vary depending on weight, most folks on this site give dosages more like 50 mg or 100mg before vet visits. That might explain why it doesn't help to calm her.
  12. FeebysOwner

    Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    I suppose some vets only carry methimazole in their office, but Felimazole is not a med that needs to be compounded. carries it as is, of course after they receive a prescription from your vet, which can be done online and fairly fast. .Compounding is done with most any med when the...
  13. FeebysOwner


    Hi. I have a cat that HATES all other cats. She even ran outdoors the day she was spayed to try to attack another cat. Although, she never peed outside the litter box due to her encounters with other cats - but that is not an uncommon thing with some cats. . My cat also had food anxiety from...
  14. FeebysOwner

    Cats poop has white specks

    Hi. I would at least get a sample of the poop and take it to the vet for a fecal test. Most vets will take a sample without actually seeing the cat, if you have a regular vet to deal with - they should be willing to do so. You can bag the stool and keep it in the fridge if you can't take it in...
  15. FeebysOwner


    Hi. I don't know which type of ticks can be spread from cats to humans, but what is more important is to keep ticks off your cat regardless. There are topical flea treatments that kil/repel ticks as you might want to consider using one. Look up Frontline Plus and/or Revolution PLs to see...
  16. FeebysOwner

    Cat was spayed and had to be spayed again

    You could at least call your regular vet and ask about residual hormones and how long they might last. I don't know what the shelter did to determine there was ovarium tissue left from the original surgery, but there is a test to check hormone levels that might be a good way me to get your...
  17. FeebysOwner

    Possibly still in pain 3+ weeks after tooth extractions? Does anyone else see it or am I just crazy?

    Maybe the vet who did the extractions can shed some light on this issue between looking at Tessa's mouth and watching the video. If you don't get anywhere with this vet, I'd be looking for a second opinion. Hope you get the lymph node test results back soon!
  18. FeebysOwner

    Cat was spayed and had to be spayed again

    Hi and welcome to TCS, despite what brought you here. I don't think there is much you can do until your vet opens and you can call and talk with them. But, keep in mind that it can take some time after surgery for the hormones to completely leave her body, so that is one possibility as to why...
  19. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    Thanks @rubysmama for going through that exercise! I did something very similar and also thought font 15pt might be the default. All I was trying to do was confirm that with someone within TCS that actually knows!! I sure thought it would be simpler than it has turned out to be!!
  20. FeebysOwner

    Cat’s hair and skin

    Hi. I wouldn't bathe him nor would I cut his hair, if not absolutely necessary. Does he groom himself? If so, I would have thought that he would be able to clean off any dirt on his belly or anywhere else for that matter. Does he go outside and lay in the dirt, which could explain why it seems...