Recent Content by tarasgirl06

  1. tarasgirl06

    Show the teeth

    How I love seeing little snaggletooth black cats! *Vampy Void!* :redheartpump: :purr::redheartpump:
  2. tarasgirl06

    Introducing Betty White

    I know. Most of those "room fresheners" smell awful and they're so STRONG!!! I got a product called ZeroOdor that works well and has, you guessed it, no fragrance. Safe and convenient. Search and find.
  3. tarasgirl06


    Oh no! Well, though, you can't blame them for indulging in the catmint :winkcat: :insertevillaugh:
  4. tarasgirl06

    Scrappy Jack and Mrs pepper

    Don't we love 'em? I still get the ICHC Newsletter. Couldn't get through a week without it! :winkcat:
  5. tarasgirl06

    Kitty Krew

    What gorgeous cattos! *Of course, ALL cattos are gorgeous, yes? YES!!!*:loveeyes::agree:
  6. tarasgirl06

    Introducing Betty White

    Good UPdate and good plan! Hoping her ship sails on calm seas:hearthrob::kneading::hearthrob:🚢
  7. tarasgirl06


    Welcome! No arguments here -- I'm not into polemic at all. I'm female, aspy and very OCD and anxious. So I can relate. Adopted my beloved Elvis when he was 9 from someone who was marrying an "allergic" fiancee. Elvis is now 16. Our beloved Suha, who left us two years ago, is my tuxedo beauty...
  8. tarasgirl06

    How can you tell when your cat is relaxed?--Post your pictures here

    Looks like he's well on his way to catchin' 'em all! :winkcat:
  9. tarasgirl06

    Scrappy Jack and Mrs pepper

    Hark! Is that Ceiling Cat singing from on high? :lolup: Scrappy Jack and Mrs. Pepper are gorgeous -- welcome all to TCS! Hoping you enjoy it here as much as we do -- it's a wonderful community of cat lovers and our beloved felines! Elvis welcomes...
  10. tarasgirl06

    Curiosity killed the cat

    Maybe they're trying to get to TX or AZ or NM? Didn't know armadillos inhabited KS! Looks like your two handsome panfurs are herding them!:redheartpump::bigeyes::bigeyes::redheartpump:
  11. tarasgirl06

    Curiosity killed the cat

    Military helmets? Naw. Armadillos aifinkso.
  12. tarasgirl06

    Introducing Betty White

    Yeah, it's a pattern with a lot of cats -- she may not have jettisoned all the used fur yet. And then, yeah, it makes you feel like there's a hole to fill. So snork, snork, snork and regurge. :sigh::sickcat:Poor Betty. Time to visit the land of Rebootie. :winkcat:
  13. tarasgirl06


    A good door or window looking out onto the world is some of the best entertainment there is, right, @Katie M? ;) Elvis surveying his garden :redheartpump::bluecat::redheartpump:
  14. tarasgirl06

    How can you tell when your cat is relaxed?--Post your pictures here

    @mainsoda Your little orange kitten is adorable! What is his name and story? :loveeyes: Kittens are little bundles of speed and energy and love! @Unc Yeah, cats do that. The Cat Distribution System (CDS) is at work PURRpetually, bringing those most unconditionally loyal & loving beings into...
  15. tarasgirl06

    How can you tell when your cat is relaxed?--Post your pictures here

    Well, Egyptian Mau IS the original cat breed, so they probably all cats have this in their lineage. UNC is very handsome!