Search Results

  1. katachtig

    Default font size?

    Font sizes in web browsers do not behave the same as in other applications. They are designed to be flexible depending on the individual browser and user settings for how fonts are displayed. As such, the only way to see what the font size is to inspect the element in the page through browser...
  2. katachtig

    Old post and new posts with photos sometimes result in Red X's

    And a second question, how are you attaching the photos? The links seem to be the discord app.
  3. katachtig

    Old post and new posts with photos sometimes result in Red X's

    Is it the first picture or the second picture?
  4. katachtig

    Old post and new posts with photos sometimes result in Red X's

    It may be a caching problem with your browser or your internet connection may be having problems. You can try clearing your cache in the browser. If it happens again, try refreshing the page.
  5. katachtig

    Forum Software

    It was a custom theme made by our original developer. I do not know where other themes are available.
  6. katachtig

    Uploading videos

    Videos need to be uploaded to a service like YouTube or Vimeo. Then insert the link in your post.
  7. katachtig

    Site issues reporting thread - August 7 2023

    It turns out that the notifications were somehow marked as spam. This has been changed in the system.
  8. katachtig

    Site issues reporting thread - August 7 2023

    The data behind the scenes looks correct. My suggestion is to clear the cache and cookies for the site and log back in.
  9. katachtig

    Site issues reporting thread - August 7 2023

    It means the dates are missing. Unix zero date is Jan 1, 1970. I will pass it on to Scott.
  10. katachtig

    Site issues reporting thread - August 7 2023

    If you find your photos are missing from a post, please upload them again. Some uploads have gone missing also.
  11. katachtig

    New Format? 8/6/2023

    Because of the glitch, we had to go to a backup from this morning. Unfortunately, some PMs and notifications are now lost and will not be recovered. If you see posts that have missing elements, please flag them so we can see where the problems still exist.
  12. katachtig

    New Format? 8/6/2023

    We were looking at an upgrade and it was released before we were ready. Everything should be somewhat back to normal. Thank you for your patience.
  13. katachtig

    Spam email

    You were wise to delete it and should report it as spam. Valid emails from are [email protected]. As always when dealing with email, also check that the email has not been spoofed.
  14. katachtig

    Search feature not working on TCS

    Please try it again. I think it is fixed now.
  15. katachtig

    Malicious site attacks

    Malwarebytes has a free version. Download that and do a scan. Trying a different browser is a good step. Have you cleared the cache and cookies on Chrome? Also, disable any extensions you have in Chrome.
  16. katachtig

    Happy 19th Birthday, Lucy!

    Today is Lucy's 19th Birthday. Doesn't she look great?!
  17. katachtig

    Competition: Picture of the Month July 2022: Cats in the Sun

    Much & Petunia (both gone to the Rainbow Bridge) One of the few times they got along. Sun spots are neutral territory.
  18. katachtig


    We had some hard drives crash and so the site had to be rebuilt from a backup. There are probably a number of posts missing that weren't in the last backup. ETA: They are still recovering images so you may see some images missing for a little while longer.
  19. katachtig

    Urgent need for funds for testing- Francis is my best friend

    MOD NOTE: To all members, a reminder that it is your responsibility to check out these solicitations to the best of your ability. does not stand behind any solicitation of funds for any reasons that appear in the forums unless explicitly authorized. Please note that this is a...
  20. katachtig

    Can't log in???

    For anyone in the future who has this problem, you can always click on the "Contact Us" link and let us know that you're having problems. This is preferred to trying to create a new user account.