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  1. lissalouie

    Normal fur regrowth after spay?

    Hi everyone! I wanted to update for anyone who finds this thread later on when researching the same topic. It's been just a few days over a month since I last posted, and this is Maisie's belly progress: Progress is slow but it is very steady and I anticipate that she'll have a fully covered...
  2. lissalouie

    Cat-sitting dilemma

    Yeah, the owner isn't sure what they want to do, so I'm hoping to get more opinions. I can't stay at their place as I have two cats of my own, one with some medical issues. We are about the same distance from the vet, at least, so that is one less thing to worry about; my main concern, really...
  3. lissalouie

    Cat-sitting dilemma

    Well, dilemma is a bit of a strong word, but I could use some advice. I have a friend who is going out of town for a week and a half in August. She asked me to come over once a day to make sure her cat gets his medication, scoop his box. etc. I did this for her last year, but my circumstances...
  4. lissalouie

    Pure grey cat with a few long white hairs on the back of the neck

    This makes sense. She also has a few spots along her back where the fur isn't growing quite right, so I had assumed that was also due to injury--and I just peeked and the roots of one of those spots is growing in white. So no wonder my poor girl is so happy to be indoors now!
  5. lissalouie

    Pure grey cat with a few long white hairs on the back of the neck

    She was a stray and had at least one litter out on the streets! That makes sense. People keep trying to tell me they are whiskers, and while I know cats have whiskers all over their body, it seems odd that they would be all clustered like this in one spot on the back of her neck.
  6. lissalouie

    Pure grey cat with a few long white hairs on the back of the neck

    This is going to sound quite silly, but hear me out. I adopted Maisie about 2.5 months ago. Her age is unknown; she was listed as 4 by the shelter, plays and acts like a very young cat, but her teeth are that of a much older feline (8-10+). She has a pure grey coat... with the exception of...
  7. lissalouie

    Guessing my girl's age

    I know! The real funny part is, her kitten apparently has become bonded to her family's resident cat, who is a tuxie... and my Maisie is in love with her tuxedo brother!
  8. lissalouie

    Guessing my girl's age

    Thank you all! I don't personally mind her at any age, but I know there are certain health conditions that are far more prevalent in older cats than younger ones--and I also know that the risk of mammary tumors are higher in cats who were spayed as adults, so I figure the more information I have...
  9. lissalouie

    Guessing my girl's age

    Two months ago today, I adopted Maisie. The shelter vets had determined Maisie was four years old. When I got her home, I immediately noticed that she was missing quite a few teeth. When I took her to my vet, she said there was almost no way she was that young, and would have estimated closer...
  10. lissalouie

    Second cat didn't work out. Trying to make sense of it all.

    Update many months later. I wanted to write something here for anyone who finds this thread while Googling "second cat isn't working out" and feeling intense guilt. I was super hesitant to even try again after the situation I wrote about above, even though I knew my resident cat was...
  11. lissalouie

    Normal fur regrowth after spay?

    Very non-urgent question, more of a curiosity. My cat, Maisie, was spayed in late January at a shelter. She is an older cat--anywhere from 4-10 depending on the vet you ask, but I'm inclined to believe she's closer to 5/6--and had at least one litter while abandoned on the streets. I adopted...
  12. lissalouie

    Will my cat ever enjoy being touched?

    Such a melodramatic title, I know, but I wanted to hear some people's experiences with touch-neutral cats. Not touch-shy. Not touch-adverse. But touch-neutral. I adopted Maisie about a month and a half ago. She's anywhere from 4-10 years old depending on which vet you ask (I'm guessing in the...
  13. lissalouie

    Curious about my little blue girl

    Here's another. The fur above her eyes is a bit thin but I believe it is all the same shade. Her skin is fairly pale though; she was recently spayed and her stomach is white.
  14. lissalouie

    Curious about my little blue girl

    I realized most of my pictures of her are in terrible lighting (I tend to keep my lights dim to prevent migraines) so I got one of her in natural light. Her mouth looks terrible because it is terrible; she's missing so many teeth and is on a waiting list to get a fairly urgent dental done...
  15. lissalouie

    Curious about my little blue girl

    To start: I know that my girl is, in the end, a pretty grey DSH. I'm just curious whether anyone sees any potential Russian Blue or Korat ancestry in her. She's anywhere from 4-10 years old, depending on which vet you ask. She was just spayed in January. She was a stray for 1-2 years but was...
  16. lissalouie

    Happy thread: I really lucked out with my new cat.

    My soulmate kitty Lou passed away a little over six months ago, leaving behind me and his five-year-old "brother" Rory. Rory had never been a solo cat before and struggled terribly with it. I tried to find him a new friend but failed twice. The first time, the rescue accidentally adopted me a...
  17. lissalouie

    Post-introduction awkwardness--how long did it last for you?

    Those of you who introduced two adult cats to each other successfully, but still experienced some intercat awkwardness after introductions, how long did it last? Context: I have a five-year-old male cat named Rory. He loved my senior cat, Lou, who passed away six months ago. After a few failed...
  18. lissalouie

    Meet my new girl, Maisie the Greysie!

    I just want to introduce everyone to my newest kitty, Maisie! I've had her for about ten days now. She was a foster-to-adopt, but I committed to adopting her. The shelter estimated her to be four, but I suspect she is a bit older. She has some difficulty jumping, trots instead of runs, and has...
  19. lissalouie

    Acclimating a cat to apartment noise

    I took in a sweet 4-year-old girl named Maisie last week. While doing site-swapping, she is becoming more and more confident in my apartment, and now seems to feel secure almost anywhere in it. However, my apartment is in an older building with three other units. We don't have shared walls, but...
  20. lissalouie

    Ideas to coax my anxious cat to eat?

    Just wanted to update everyone--Rory started eating again yesterday, and his appetite seems to be back to normal! In an odd twist of fate, it seems to have had little to do with the new arrival, but rather that my mom bought cheap off-brand dishwasher pods that were leaving a film on the...