Search Results

  1. Anicanis

    Accidental tiny poops??

    So, the vet thinks it’s not very serious. He shaved a bit his bum to check if this could be not a leak but just stuck in his fur. He also changed his food, but he didn’t think it was so much related… so now I’ll wait and see!
  2. Anicanis

    Accidental tiny poops??

    Thanks! I'm trying not to freak out... the consultation is tomorrow. The stool that leaks is very small and hard. His usual stool (in the litter) is firm and not so small. He always drinks loads of water from a font and gets good quality wet food everyday, no supplements or meds, so I'm...
  3. Anicanis

    Accidental tiny poops??

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to know what could this be... My 3 yo cat starting having this thing of accidently escaping poop (like a single tiny poop) in his daily activities. Is happened only three times or so and at first I wasn't even sure it was poop but today we finally spotted it happening...
  4. Anicanis

    Litter help! Looking for low dust

    Clumping pea husk litter worked great for us!
  5. Anicanis

    Unleashed outdoor walks

    Thanks for the input - we live in a very quiet area, but I can definitely see the possible issue of him not wanting to return when I do. In any case, he no longer wants to go outside after I tried walking him with a leash, so I'll leave it for now!
  6. Anicanis

    Unleashed outdoor walks

    Thanks, I have introduced him to a leash at different points indoors, but back then he had no interest in going outside. He's really scared of things. Now I tried to take him out with the leash after posting here, and he cautiously accepted it but the leash seems to have made him feel very...
  7. Anicanis

    Unleashed outdoor walks

    Oh no, he's a big boi, 2.5 yo. I play with him a lot, morning and evening, but he also plays alone (exclusively with springs!) The thing is that once "going outside" was on the table he stopped being interested in play and started meowing a lot to out, which was truly driving me mad as I'm...
  8. Anicanis

    Unleashed outdoor walks

    I wanted to ask some advice about walking with my cat. I live in the top floor of a very small building in a gated street with a quiet private garden. My flat has a balcony, which my cat usually enjoys exploring. This winter the balcony was probably too cold for him and he started showing...
  9. Anicanis

    Toys that your cat never gets tired of!

    I love how specific they are with their toys 😂
  10. Anicanis

    Toys that your cat never gets tired of!

    It's so cute! From a brand called Mimi's Daughters. I'm impressed by how simple and fun it is :)
  11. Anicanis

    Toys that your cat never gets tired of!

    My friend recently asked me for some toy ideas for cats who don't like flying things and I took these pictures of Caju's favourites. Posting it here for fun and inspiration for new cat owners in search of ideas to test and try! 1. Random piece of plastic. He never gets tired of playing...
  12. Anicanis

    Low sodium food?

    Lovely, thank you so much
  13. Anicanis

    Low sodium food?

    Hi everyone, we recently found out that my cat has a heart murmur (he will be scanned in a couple of months) and I'm revising his food to make sure it's the best we can do. I won't make any harsh changes, but I want to slowly incorporate better stuff. He has wet food (Purina Gourmet) and dry...
  14. Anicanis

    Alternative to wood pallet litter

    Thank you! I'll make sure to read it, I'm strongly considering tofu. I think most people don't have allergies to any of these litters so I probably just have to try and see whether or not it gives me any reactions... At least it does seem better than wood in this respect.
  15. Anicanis

    Alternative to wood pallet litter

    Hi everyone, I was in the process of changing my cat's clay litter (Dr Elsey's) into wood pallets (CJs) mainly because the clay was sometimes sticking in my cat's back paws (this didn't happen often but when it did, it was a lot of clay!) Unfortunately I had really bad allergies to the wood...
  16. Anicanis

    Playdates: a good idea?

    Oh thanks, I'll check it out! My post can be removed if that's better
  17. Anicanis

    Help - matted hair in cat that won't be brushed

    Hi all, just to let you know, everything worked out with that matted fur situation! Luckily it was not very close to skin and my friend managed to trim it while I held him with minimum levels of stress. He seemed relieved and now he is even letting me brush him a bit. Thank you all for the...
  18. Anicanis

    Playdates: a good idea?

    Hi everyone, I have a very sweet and neutered male cat and my front door neighbour has a very sweet female cat. They are both raised indoors (we live in a flat) and don't show signs of wanting to go outside - sometimes I let my cat sniff around when I open my flat's door but he never goes many...
  19. Anicanis

    Cat chases other cats, growls, bites, hisses, and claws when annoyed.

    that's true, sometimes is just the way of moving it. Mine goes crazy with feather wand toys but only if I move them very slowly on the floor and pretend they are escaping and trying to hide somewhere 😂 unfortunately in terms of treats he only likes expensive ones so we better work to pay for his...
  20. Anicanis

    Help - matted hair in cat that won't be brushed

    Ohh that would be perfect but unfortunately unrealistic in his case - he doesn't like to be petted so much and never stays on the lap for more than a second. One of the matted fur in his neck seems to be growing so I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow to trim it down and will figure out a way to...