Search Results

  1. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Looking for Palladia "success" stories...

    Our little Sangria (15 yo) had a liver lobectomy in 2022. They removed a large cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). She was cancer-free up until just now. Our general vet did a cytology on an abdominal lump that was growing from her abdominal wall, and it came back as carcinoma. Today, we...
  2. FrothOnTheDaydream

    I can't catch a break. Sangria's cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) has likely returned, and I'm not coping.

    I'm so sorry about your loss. It's really never easy. I've always stayed with my pets in the end even if doing so was difficult. In fact, I can't imagine NOT being there in that final moment.
  3. FrothOnTheDaydream

    I can't catch a break. Sangria's cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) has likely returned, and I'm not coping.

    I just can't imagine her not being here, you know? We adopted her 10 years ago, but it doesn't feel like we've had her that long. Thank you, I'm going to try to look after myself too. I've been putting all my energy into caring for her and not really sleeping or taking time for myself.
  4. FrothOnTheDaydream

    I can't catch a break. Sangria's cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) has likely returned, and I'm not coping.

    At this point, I'm convinced the universe hates me. I'm not even joking. You all know that Pluie had a suspicious oral mass recently. We took her to another city to see a very expensive specialist. Thankfully, it was a benign granuloma. Surgery and an extraction healed it completely! The...
  5. FrothOnTheDaydream

    UPDATE: It wasn't oral squamous cell cancer!! It was a pyogenic granuloma!! Cute picture for cat tax inside. :)

    I cried like an idiot when he told us. I was SO relieved. I had been having horrid stomach pains and burning for weeks. I thought I was experiencing a physical problem. When I got the news, it all went away.
  6. FrothOnTheDaydream

    UPDATE: It wasn't oral squamous cell cancer!! It was a pyogenic granuloma!! Cute picture for cat tax inside. :)

    Final update on my little Pluie's situation! You can read my past posts for more details, but in summary, in March 21 she developed a hard lump on her lower jaw which turned out to be an abscess. It was drained, and a rotten tooth was removed. On April 1, we took her back to our family vet...
  7. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Oral squamous cell carcinoma in cats. Questions about Palladia and early detection. Cute picture for cat tax!

    Thank you so much for your response. I know I shouldn't get ahead of myself, and it would be better for my mental health to remain optimistic, but I always like to be as informed as I can be about the worst case scenario. We don't have an animal oncologist except for 6 hours away, but the...
  8. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Oral squamous cell carcinoma in cats. Questions about Palladia and early detection. Cute picture for cat tax!

    So, on March 21st, my cat's right lower jaw swelled out of the blue and was painful. We rushed her to the vet that night, and they took dental x-rays and a fine needle aspirate of the lump. The aspirate showed neutrophils and tons of rod-shaped bacteria under the microscope. Based on that and...
  9. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Hard lump on cats lower jaw bone (left side). Been to vet but want your opinions!

    Thank you. You're right! I think I have some sort of weird trauma related to cat cancer. My Moon passed two years ago from mammary cancer. Last year, my Sangria got diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). We got her a VERY expensive specialist surgery, and she...
  10. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Hard lump on cats lower jaw bone (left side). Been to vet but want your opinions!

    Three days ago, I was petting my cat on the side of the head when she winced and ran away. I grabbed her to look at the area and noticed that there was a bone-hard lump along her left jawline. Of course, I freaked out. Convinced she had osteosarcoma or squamous cell carcinoma, I rushed her to...
  11. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Anyone ever have their cat faint (syncope)? What was the outcome/cause?

    Same here! It was yeast and bacteria in both ears. The vet said she has narrow ear canals, so it's possible moisture gets stuck in there. We will be extra careful drying her ears after baths. She was on 10 days of ear drops. They were drops that contained a medicine for both the yeast and the...
  12. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Bad news possible cancer recurrence OR cholangitis (bile duct inflammation)

    Update for Sangria, too! Blood work with our general vet showed huge improvement. Her ALP is back to normal as is her bilirubin. Her ALT is still elevated, but it's going down and her GGT is just slightly elevated. Globulin is normal again, and her anemia has resolved. All of this blood work...
  13. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Anyone ever have their cat faint (syncope)? What was the outcome/cause?

    Update! She had her appointment with the cardiologist last week. Everything came back PERFECT. Her ultrasound, EKG, blood pressure, neuro exam, blood work, and chest x-ray were all normal. The cardiologist did not recommend follow-up at this time and, based on the way the episode presented...
  14. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Anyone ever have their cat faint (syncope)? What was the outcome/cause?

    Thank you! So, our vet agreed that usually these fainting spells have cardiac origins. We ran a complete blood panel which came back perfect. Chest x-ray showed nothing amiss, and our vet did not identify a heart murmur while listening to her heart. However, she does agree that a complete...
  15. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Anyone ever have their cat faint (syncope)? What was the outcome/cause?

    I swear, the universe absolutely hates me. I feel like I could melt down at any moment. We are dealing with a possible bile duct cancer recurrence in one cat, and then the other night, we had a horrifying experience with our other cat who is otherwise healthy. Let me preface by saying that we...
  16. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Bad news possible cancer recurrence OR cholangitis (bile duct inflammation)

    I hope that your kitty feels better soon! You're going above and beyond. Today makes day 7 of treatment, and Sangria is still doing well. The jaundice around her ears is fading!!
  17. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Bad news possible cancer recurrence OR cholangitis (bile duct inflammation)

    Update, Feb 19: Urine is still a normal colour! My wife says that the jaundice has improved a bit, but I can't tell. She eats normally, plays, is alert, and is back to her old self. If we count the day she got her medication in injection form (February 15), this is day 5 of treatment. I...
  18. FrothOnTheDaydream

    Bad news possible cancer recurrence OR cholangitis (bile duct inflammation)

    PEE IS A NORMAL COLOUR!!! I compared it to my other cat's pee in the litter.