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  1. Cat McCannon

    Just Passing Through…

    Yes. Yes, you do. Her name is Minerva. She'll be a year old 9 July.
  2. Cat McCannon

    Female cat not using litter box after fav human return home from a month away

    Have you been playing with her? I’d start with one on one play sessions and treats.
  3. Cat McCannon

    Just Passing Through…

    Mule deer passing through our yard
  4. Cat McCannon

    New tenants have moved in and they have a dog...

    Keep your cats under your supervision any time they’re outside.
  5. Cat McCannon

    Help! Vet wants to sedate my OA cat for nail trimming

    Learn how to trim your cat’s nails yourself
  6. Cat McCannon

    post funny cat picture and memes here

    Totem pole of the House Panther Tribe
  7. Cat McCannon

    I Am Close To Tears

    I'd say so. However I'm leaving on on a trip to Moab tomorrow after work and won't be back till Tuesday. There are a few scattered homes in the area. I hope the kitten shows up on someone's door step looking for a meal and a bed.
  8. Cat McCannon

    I Am Close To Tears

    It's amazing how such small creatures loom large in our hearts. About a month ago, a 4 month old grey striped tabby was caught in the live trap our landlord keeps on the property to catch predators that prey on his rabbits & chickens. The kitten was frightened and when I released her, she turned...
  9. Cat McCannon

    Adopting a cat when my lease says I can't have more than one

    A therapist isn’t there to tell us what we want to hear. They’re there to tell us what we need to hear. Believe me, I know. Play and interact with your current cat more as your therapist suggested. Your cat deserves that- so do you. Interacting with my own cat (and our pup) helps me very much...
  10. Cat McCannon

    Friend's cat scatters dry food EVERYWHERE

    Get a puzzle feeder that’s like fake grass. The kibble will get down in the “grass” and be harder for the cat to flick.
  11. Cat McCannon

    A Meow Meow Gif A Day Keeps The Woof Woof Away

    There's a cat determined to have the comforts of a box mattress bed
  12. Cat McCannon

    My Boyfriend is constantly Chasing and teasing my cats, what should I do.

    @StephR, dump the guy and do it now. He is thoughtless and cruel. Life is too short to put up with an abusive relationship. Stand up for yourself and your cats. When your cats are happy and well behaved, you’re treating them right and so what if you’re “babying” them. He’s gaslighting you. He’s...
  13. Cat McCannon

    A Meow Meow Gif A Day Keeps The Woof Woof Away

    At least they're excited about their supper
  14. Cat McCannon

    Cat keeps waking me up unusually early

    Simple. Cat wants your attention. Your reactions (negative or positive) to her antics rewards them, thus encouraging her to continue. To her, it's all just a fun game.
  15. Cat McCannon

    If you knew ?

    That my landlord didn’t care how many cats we adopt. I would have gotten a second kitty while Belle was still a kitten.
  16. Cat McCannon

    post funny cat picture and memes here

    If you try to cut it and it claws you, it's not cake
  17. Cat McCannon

    Feeding station tips

    Sometimes you gotta let kittens be kittens
  18. Cat McCannon

    Is this a hairball in my cat’s poop?

    It’s normal and healthy for fur to be in cat feces.